Bruh i am sic of stories where people turn against their organisations or loathe them when they get abandoned. Like dude the moment you start working for the team, you should know its obvious the team will prioritise their work over you. If saving you means letting go of a criminal people gave their lives up to be captured, obviously you would be abandoned. Its hurtful but its basic sense, i swear if benjamin decides to switch sides and kill his colleague
One moment he transferred to this hidden boarding school and the next he's getting into rather serious fights with one hot psycho dude for no reason and its not even a normal "our ideas dont match so we punch each other shit" its just random whipping and using rods to bash each other's heads?? Then as you try to process this, suddenly more guys are popping in and committing sexual assault. Like dude author clearly cant pace this thing up.
From what i understood reading the comments that there's a novel. Its like the author is putting in events in the manhwa for the sake of it and no pacing is there. Literally how the heck am i going to understand whats even happening
Ik im reading this manhwa so i wont complain about it...But wtf is up with people calling it cute?? Dude the white guy acts sweet but he's so fucking messed up and he even wants to fuck the mc while he is sick. The brown dude is disgusting too but he has least common sense thats why he said no. That aint cute in any way. Honestly this is going to get even darker maybe but pls dont call bare common sense "oh hes so cute and caring" like jesus
Dude the fact he said most people heal. So our mc is just one of the many dudes who got raped like that even though our mc isnt reluctant to that. It honestly feels way too messed up. Im guessing we gonna have a dark plot twist come quickly
Bro doesn't fight back when he was getting molested and now affection is making him throw punches
So im not the only one who likes the orange dude
yall help me reccommend BLs written by men. by that i mean both the men are men, with actual plots. mainly no childlike or girl like bottom dudes whose thoughts are soo naive or revolve around liking the top, just a normal dude having normal male thoughts
Bro this author has some weird ass fetishisation going on with prematured looking guys. I lovrd suicidal boys and didnt mind the few controversial scenes but reading this one im now sure
i am glad i dropped it before. saved me from that uncomfy feelings. i hate the pain when the couple ends up separating
OMG i just realised the pendant reincarnated into the white haired kid so cuteee
I read this in mrm and i cant still get over the ending :(
Thriller/horror bl recs anyone? Toxic is fine but pls not wattpad level cringe
Check out the end of the list for the newer ones
This is not only bl, although i have more of them in my defense i cant really find that easily straight / gl series that are so edgy
This was hot and honestly i ship mc with the white guy but why did he have to bleed