vamprince March 31, 2020 7:35 pm

I know you all mean good and to promote consent, but guys! Fantasies occupy their own space, with their own rules. That is the entire point of creating fiction. That is the entire point of reading fiction. That is why viewer discreation is needed! Should every movie or story about murder makes you a murderer, or every movie or story about rape makes you tolerate rape or become a rapist, all authors could only create conflict-free story, limiting them from their creativeness (Yes this is debatable but still).

Again I know you all mean good, and I know very much that there must be other people uncomfortable about this, but isn't the logical thing is to just stay away from
this genre altogether, especially omegaverse?? Where I think 90% of them dancing around unconsensual act between struggling omegas and primal-instinct alphas?? You staying away from your triggering genres will benefit both of us, where you get your peaceful mind intact, and the rest of us can put messages in the comment section about appreciation of the work, or discussion about the story?

I mean, like you who hate rapey stories, there are also people who dislike bubbly romance stories, respectable stories where all semes are gentle and wise. Everyone has their own taste, no? I myself love dark romance, gruesome crime stories, and please don't make me hate myself by telling me unhealthy relationship isn't good in real life and crime stories are for psychos.

    Yumiswife March 31, 2020 7:39 pm

    The thing is bro... this is chapter 6 and there is no warning in the tags for rape or anything yet. I think people should be allowed to be upset and disgusted. Rape to love is getting old and the people are tired.

    Ego Yuki April 1, 2020 3:35 am

    I am so happy that people are pointing this out. Yaoi, yuri, ecchi-- it all has to do with other people's kinks. Omegaverse has a lot of rape, and everyone complains about it. But a BDSM hentai with no consent-- the people love it. There's no difference. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Twips April 1, 2020 4:20 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! navyblue

    This 100%.

    Twips April 1, 2020 4:34 am

    While I still avoid stories that contain sexual assault and rape, if it is a non romanticized event, I tend to not drop it.

    But it seems like it's impossible for some authors to handle this situation properly, which might be a side affect of being in Japan and Korea, where sexual assault is not taken seriously (i mean look at the way they're handling nth room and the Japanese government's responses to the Comfort Women).

    I was really hoping for a lot more from this author, since the omega wasn't following clichés but then it seems like they couldn't stray too far from it.

    I'm sorry, but the romanticization of rape , especially without warning is not ok. No matter what genre it is. I'm not going to kinkshame two or more consenting adults who decide to do a noncon roleplay but in literature it's different.

    A book being fiction doesn't bar it from criticism if that fiction involves something as heinous as rape and decides to make that ok. If the author cannot make a love/romance story without including sexual abuse for the sake of it without any actual meaning or consequence then they are not that good of a writer.

    Sorry for the wall of text.

    Kou April 1, 2020 4:38 am

    But murder portrayal is shown as psychotic and wrong. It's not promoted as "oh, he just committed murder, but he is a good guy". I mean in most of the cases. Here however, rape is seen as the necessary bridge to intimacy between characters. The rape is also always to the bottom by the top. I see a lot of misogyny in this. The yaoi top is the man while the bottom is the woman. So eventually, they are justifying rape to the femme looking male.

    Ego Yuki April 1, 2020 5:43 am
    But murder portrayal is shown as psychotic and wrong. It's not promoted as "oh, he just committed murder, but he is a good guy". I mean in most of the cases. Here however, rape is seen as the necessary bridge t... Kou


    Women can be rapists too...

    So can bottom men...

    And uh-- this is fiction. It isn't justifying anything...

    Kou April 1, 2020 5:49 am
    Er--Women can be rapists too...So can bottom men...And uh-- this is fiction. It isn't justifying anything... Ego Yuki

    Women can be rapists too does not begin to balance the fact that majority of rape victims are women. That's like saying that because people of color can be racist too, racism against them is equal. On the note of racism, would it be okay if it was fiction? There is a line drawn there. Why can't the same be made for rape? Considering that it is one of the most traumatic experiences that haunts people their entire lives?

    Twips April 1, 2020 6:23 am
    Er--Women can be rapists too...So can bottom men...And uh-- this is fiction. It isn't justifying anything... Ego Yuki

    Just because a book is fiction doesn't mean it is absolved from judgement or the ability to be influential statements.

    1984 and Animal Farm are works of fiction, but are read by many in American schools because it is highly influential and effective in teaching important concepts and issues.

    Fiction is the most influential thing in reality, despite it not taking place there.

    Even if it is fictional, the way that the author utilizes rape as a means of romance is damaging. The reason why the romanticization of rape is a common trope in yaoi and omegaverse is because people keep writing it, therefore justifying it in a way. I won't go as far to say that they are justifying these things in real life, but they are definitely not helping the problem either.

    Kou April 1, 2020 2:10 pm
    Just because a book is fiction doesn't mean it is absolved from judgement or the ability to be influential statements. 1984 and Animal Farm are works of fiction, but are read by many in American schools because... Twips

    Couldn't have said it better.

    Elijah April 1, 2020 9:06 pm
    While I still avoid stories that contain sexual assault and rape, if it is a non romanticized event, I tend to not drop it. But it seems like it's impossible for some authors to handle this situation properly, ... Twips

    I wish I could thumbs up your comment and do it again a million more times. I am tired of the excuses people make for rape in yaoi. The problem isn't even the rape, it is the romanticizing of rape
    .where the relationship has a rape situation in it and we are somehow supposed to ignore how fucked up it is. And often times it is used as a stepping stone for the relationship to begin. It is not the same as murder in a story because a murdered person is not going to come back to life and date the person that murdered them. Murder is rarely portrayed in a romantic way between the two main characters who are supposed to get together. Rape in a story won't make me drop it either so long as it is portrayed exactly as it should be. The fact that this story tried to portray it as a sex scene that people want to read is whats gross.

    BT_dingO April 6, 2020 12:48 am
    I wish I could thumbs up your comment and do it again a million more times. I am tired of the excuses people make for rape in yaoi. The problem isn't even the rape, it is the romanticizing of rape.where the rel... Elijah

    I'm not for all what you say but normal human being doesn't go through the whole 'heat thing'.. the whole world of omegaverse is around omega heat and alpha sort of things. It's not real and can never be compare to rape cause we don't have a heat time where we lost all sense and can only think of doing it. If it's this type of whole building.. i would say that i wouldn't complain and probably wouldn't even know who to blame here cause again with the whole 'heat' thing. Though if it wasn't an omegaverse i would simply avoid reading it cause there are tonnes of other story which doesn't have rape in it and there are tonnes out there.

    Ego Yuki April 6, 2020 1:41 am
    I'm not for all what you say but normal human being doesn't go through the whole 'heat thing'.. the whole world of omegaverse is around omega heat and alpha sort of things. It's not real and can never be compar... BT_dingO

    Exactly. Most Omegaverse stories contain rape because of the ruts and heats. I'm glad someone understands this other than myself. As you said, regular humans don't go through heat.
    And good on you on avoiding what you don't like instead of complaining about it afterwards. A good soul you are.

    Twips April 6, 2020 7:13 am
    Exactly. Most Omegaverse stories contain rape because of the ruts and heats. I'm glad someone understands this other than myself. As you said, regular humans don't go through heat.And good on you on avoiding wh... Ego Yuki

    I don't think that holds up well because there are stories where it's quite obvious that those exposed to someone in heat still have a large amount of self control. There's still no excuse for adding rape as a means to bridge a path to a romantic relationship.

    BT_dingO April 6, 2020 7:20 am
    I don't think that holds up well because there are stories where it's quite obvious that those exposed to someone in heat still have a large amount of self control. There's still no excuse for adding rape as a ... Twips

    I am aware of that and i did read story that doesn't have it but i have to say it take a troll on the alpha and they seems to be losing their mind which shows that it's not as easy to control those.

    Yumiswife April 6, 2020 7:24 am
    I am aware of that and i did read story that doesn't have it but i have to say it take a troll on the alpha and they seems to be losing their mind which shows that it's not as easy to control those. BT_dingO

    With all due respect, You are aware alphas and omega arent real right?

    BT_dingO April 6, 2020 7:26 am
    Exactly. Most Omegaverse stories contain rape because of the ruts and heats. I'm glad someone understands this other than myself. As you said, regular humans don't go through heat.And good on you on avoiding wh... Ego Yuki

    Well yeah i prefer not to complain cause the people who wrote the story have the damn right to write it however they want and compare to lots of genres.. yaoi get new and new one everytime so i have to change to choose what i like. I just don't think it's wise to complain cause it's pretty much similar as watching porn at time. There it's omegaverse which is mostly all about sec while losing control and how to deal with it and if those happen i don't think anyone should be surprise cause it's basically the whole world building of omegaverse in a certain type of ways. While i can be happy that they are able to control it.. i can't complain that they couldn't. I'm glad you agree and for those who disagree then everyone their opinion.

    Twips April 6, 2020 7:28 am
    I am aware of that and i did read story that doesn't have it but i have to say it take a troll on the alpha and they seems to be losing their mind which shows that it's not as easy to control those. BT_dingO

    Still doesn't discount what I said. There's no excuse or reason to romanticize rape. The author hasn't done the work to actually put any meaning towards the assault and how it may affect both parties.

    I'm not saying that no rape in a story is ever allowed, as I think that with the proper handling an author can give a really powerful message with it, but this author does not do that. An author could write about an alpha experiencing trauma due to them losing control, but I don't think that this was the author's goal here.

    BT_dingO April 6, 2020 9:12 am
    Still doesn't discount what I said. There's no excuse or reason to romanticize rape. The author hasn't done the work to actually put any meaning towards the assault and how it may affect both parties.I'm not sa... Twips

    There are tonnes of story out there... even one where you suggest the alpha experiencing trauma so you can just go and read that instead of being here i think.

    Yumiswife April 6, 2020 9:23 am
    There are tonnes of story out there... even one where you suggest the alpha experiencing trauma so you can just go and read that instead of being here i think. BT_dingO

    I dont think you're reading the comments properly, you seem to be ignoring all reasoning OP has provided and completely missing the point. Also out of curiosity, what is this manga where the alpha experiences trauma do to losing control?

    BT_dingO April 6, 2020 9:50 am
    I dont think you're reading the comments properly, you seem to be ignoring all reasoning OP has provided and completely missing the point. Also out of curiosity, what is this manga where the alpha experiences t... Yumiswife

    Katsubou Animajemera

    Twips April 6, 2020 9:29 pm
    There are tonnes of story out there... even one where you suggest the alpha experiencing trauma so you can just go and read that instead of being here i think. BT_dingO

    Thanks for dismissing what I'm trying to say.

vamprince March 13, 2020 6:14 pm

The art!!! So smooth, so stunning. And I like how sometime the panel shows random stuff, scenery, or really just random stuffs, before continuing the dialog again. It was like watching an animated manga. So so good!

vamprince March 4, 2020 10:18 am

Is fujoshi here ever had any ? I live in Asia so yes there are many superstitions. It began in 2001 when my family moved to a new house. My sister and me, almost EVERYDAY, experienced sleep paralysis. For years. Those days were very tiring, and looking back, I didn't know why we didn't try to get help. We didn't know that we experienced the same thing until later, too. It was scary because it felt like I was going to die. ╥﹏╥

When we told our parents, they said that they too, often heard weird noise in the house at night. Like, table being moved, or glass being thrown, but nothing was out of place when they come out to check. They kept it a secret so it wouldn't worry us.

It was all in the past now. Happened about 2-3years, I think, and after that things gradually decreasing. Parent and sister still living in that house, lol.

vamprince February 25, 2020 3:48 am

I think the author is a peaceful person. I mean, everyone in the story turns out to be good (or at least okay). Noone is really a villain. I like that, but at the same time, I don't.. Dunno why. Maybe I need someone to hate, lol

vamprince February 24, 2020 6:07 pm

I agree with the last part, too.. Niel character was almost passive aggressive it's not healthy, in my opinion

vamprince February 11, 2020 10:59 am

This was great but still, in the back of my mind..I think that the alpha was being a little bit careless with the situation? I mean, if I enter a closed group venue with my friend's membership (that maybe he tried so hard to get), I'll try not to get trouble. Giving me his card means he trusts me enough. If something happen because of me they could cancel his membership. Or maybe I'm just overthinking.

vamprince February 8, 2020 1:00 am

Author from a thousand cranes, right??

vamprince February 7, 2020 12:58 pm

Was that his ex friend on the street? He was hot ...

vamprince January 20, 2020 1:55 pm

This harem thing ... all of the ladies drama ... is scary

I thought living in a palace is nice, you know .. my childhood dream to be a princess is now tainted lol

vamprince November 9, 2019 4:28 pm

Yoshino was all about food and that's so me

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