Esharnival July 14, 2021 8:11 pm

I need a reason why the emperor is such a dick in the past life, we only see the uke's pov we still don't know any backstory from the emperor, and the goddess is sus, I feel like she know something after the uke's death

Esharnival June 21, 2021 5:51 pm

How the heck I miss ch 90-96 and thinks the story ends at 89, came to check but got surprised by the newest chapter

Esharnival June 21, 2021 12:43 pm

This is a huge spoiler I warn you :)


All of the main interest is going to be so possessive towards Eris.

The CP realize his true feeling toward Eris when he learns that MC is not Eris, cp yearned for love and that's what og!Eris always give to him but he realizes it too late, later he search for a way to bring the Og!Eris back

From what I read from Novelupdate High Priest actually is Eris's half-brother and later he falls in love with Eris, Eris rejects his confession since she know they are sibling and telling him she didn't want to commit an incest relationship lol

From the 3 of the main interest, Jason is the much better one, he got rejected because Eris said Jason only saw himself in Eris

You know why I said Jason is much better? This is a huge huge spoiler :
- CP tried to rape Eris by the emperor's order, and he got killed by Eris but later the witch turn back the times to before Eris meeting up with CP
- High Priest who doesn't want to let go of Eris keep her imprisoned and told CP that the Og!Eris is back and with that CP won't executes Eris
-High Priest knows that Eris want to go back, and there's a way to do it (the way to do it is to die and the corpse must be eliminated from this world (being burned or mutilated)), but he keep her imprisoned so she will die naturally, he wants to wait for Eris to be reincarnated again (he will knows since he can see auras)

Btw idk if the spoiler is true based by the novel or not but that is what I read, so I am sorry if there's anything wrong :)

- Anakin will follow Eris to Eris's world by dying after he burned Eris's corpse (I broke when I read this )

    Sumersunlight June 21, 2021 12:45 pm

    Can u tell me where u read English translation of novel?

    Sumersunlight June 21, 2021 12:46 pm

    Also it's name

    Devil June 21, 2021 1:59 pm

    So anakin will g to eris is world too
    Σ(っ°Д °;)っ and meet erisnor what
    ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Nintai-chan June 21, 2021 2:00 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler, however what is an "OG"? And from your spoiler only two people will do outrageous things being the CP(Crown Prince) and HP(High priest).. will Jason try to help?

    Bella0102 June 21, 2021 2:13 pm
    Thanks for the spoiler, however what is an "OG"? And from your spoiler only two people will do outrageous things being the CP(Crown Prince) and HP(High priest).. will Jason try to help? Nintai-chan

    I am guessing OG means original ........therefore the original Eris before the one in her body took over. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Taefirstwife June 21, 2021 2:20 pm

    This is so messy all those men really be losing their mind omg... thanks for the spoiler btw!!

    Riku June 21, 2021 2:31 pm


    doyoulikeMessy? June 21, 2021 3:24 pm
    Thanks for the spoiler, however what is an "OG"? And from your spoiler only two people will do outrageous things being the CP(Crown Prince) and HP(High priest).. will Jason try to help? Nintai-chan

    I think “Og” is a slang word for “Original”

Esharnival June 21, 2021 10:42 am

Istg this gold had me feeling mixed up
Cp is shit as well the empress and the emperor no wonder they're family :)
Helena how can you not know your place!? Like, how a commoner can act like that!? I salute the real eris to have that much patient for Helena though, Helena consider Eris as her friend yet how tf you be so close like that with you friend's fiancee!? Helena has no right to hate Eris since she's the one who make Eris do the bully, they're childhood friends so I expect Helena knows that CP is Eris's fiancee so why do you still be beside the CP like he's yours!? I mean, before Helena's family become a commoner or even when the CP become really attached to her she should have know that CP is Eris's fiancee right? Even in RL you should have know your place when you're become friends with your friend's lover
The high Priest is sus, I expect some plot twist from his side lol

    sebaciel9134 June 21, 2021 10:55 am

    she has no choice , shes a commoner and she needs to obey them to survive , have u read her pov? shes quite pitiful

    Taefirstwife June 21, 2021 11:10 am

    The OG eris literally harmed helena physically, locked, tortured her and acting oblivious about it and you called it having patience? Lol she cant even confront the crown prince and you think helena, a mere commoner, has more power to disobey whatever tf the CP was up to?

Esharnival June 1, 2021 5:34 pm

It nice to be korean since when you're 26 people acknowledge you as too young to get married, meanwhile in my country if you reach 25 people would start to ask "when are you getting married?", Oh the irony

    Dazai'ssuicidepartner June 1, 2021 5:39 pm

    Are you indian?

    Athela June 1, 2021 5:56 pm

    Lmao people in my country also like that.. Especially when u r a woman

    ezra bae June 1, 2021 6:14 pm
    Lmao people in my country also like that.. Especially when u r a woman Athela

    SAME!! they pressure women so much. and men? "well they r men, it's different for them" like?? they want women to be married and have kids or treat women as animals used to multiply an endangered species.

    Athela June 1, 2021 8:30 pm
    SAME!! they pressure women so much. and men? "well they r men, it's different for them" like?? they want women to be married and have kids or treat women as animals used to multiply an endangered species. ezra bae


Esharnival May 27, 2021 5:53 pm

Look at that cute chibi Wooyoung with his baby bumps, this is the Sweetest thing I see this day

Esharnival May 24, 2021 4:44 pm

This chapter feels like a Lava Cakes is sweet yet hot
That's the hottest 69 I ever seen in my life omg

Esharnival May 21, 2021 6:34 am

Wtf brothers!?
How tf you can hate your own blood because of some naive saintess!? Wtf!?
Helping some neighboring countries!? Tf your own country need help too omg
And here I thought I can get some lovely family bonds and some sweet story of reverse harem between Alicia and the targets :(
That's why I hate a naive and ignorant mc it's just justified how stupid mc without her followers.
I hope in the ending the brother who turned his back from Alicia and her friends is regretting theirs action :(
From what I read in the spoiler, the heroine seems having some charms like Jeanette from Wmmap, and only people with strong feeling towards someone who won't be affected by the charms

    HARU June 18, 2021 10:28 am


Esharnival May 18, 2021 8:24 pm

God, I know you're tired of my request, but please give me a man like Cha Kyung Joo pleasee
Every single time I read this manhwa I always seek for a man like Cha Kyung Joo even though I know it's impossible
Even if there's one of Cha Kyung Joo out there I wont be his Woo Young , the irony

Esharnival May 17, 2021 6:09 pm

All we needed is to know who is the father of the baby and it need more than 60 chapter to unfold the truth

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