Please don't sell him out to that piece of garbage.... Please Please Please! >_<

I Think it will go like this
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Think he wont, maybe try but he will change his min however I Think the other will find out and do it (sacrifise himself for love) and then the fourt will fight rogi after that everyone is happy

The newest update (Vol.3 Ch.23) was sugar sweet. Totally adorable
... But those last few pages when Mi-kun was talking in his sleep, they had me in tears. :'}
Love this manga <3
So very very glad that I was given the chance to read it.
Thank you to the scanlation group that did the work translating this wonderful piece.
And THANK YOU to the Artist - Kumota Haruko, for crafting this beautiful story
Thank you Yaoi Sekai for picking up this manga and continuing it. I adore this story and it's thanks to your team and their hard work that I'll be able to continuing reading and loving it~ I am bookmarking and following your tumblr and I'll be Thanking you there as well.