Charly created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Hello all! I couldn’t resist it any longer and wrote a fanfiction about Taro and Peanut — I assigned them names, of course. It follows the recent chapters and there’s a surprise at the end!

I really hope you enjoy!!

Charly created a topic of Nerd Project

Every time I reread this I just get so stuck on how delusional Stacy was. A perfect, doting boyfriend who was ALSO packing because Luke’s size is probably just an inch off length and girth from Andrew.

I hope there’s a future chapter where she’s gagged cause she realizes her ex is with the guy she was lusting over. YAOI GODS PLEASE!!

Charly created a topic of Dash

That was sure a CVNT way of getting out the pool. I know what you are Jiheon!

Charly created a topic of Our Sunny Days

So it’s not even that she was ostracized for her sexuality but that her mom treated her poorly?? Boo-fucking-hoo bitch. What does that have to do with Ho and Haebom being together? I suppose this serves as the segue into them discussing the seriousness of their relationship, but we never needed her stupid sob story as that plot device. Kmt.

I have to say this manhwa really handled the sexual relationship between Ian and Raymond so realistically. He wasn’t instantly a pro, considering Ian was his first male lover. That he actually cared enough to take the time to learn Ian’s body and what would make him feel good is so rare in BL. And every time they made love it was so passionate, none of their love scenes felt like sex for the heck of it. There were so many hints sprinkled through their sexual encounters of Raymond slowly falling more and more in love with Ian. And I loved that this author knew how to use sex as part of the actual plot.

Charly created a topic of 2020

Mophead’s expression in the last panel gives the impression he’s either offended or disgusted that Heejae would think he’s involved in human trafficking

Charly created a topic of Wolf In The House

Ein with the cigarette was so cringe

Charly created a topic of Jinx

I've got it! This author def has a degradation kink. Cause ain't NO way. Ain't no way. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Charly created a topic of Limited Run

I gotta say…5/10 ending. We know they’d eventually get back together but somehow the pacing to get there feels awfully disingenuous and too rushed. Meh, least they get their happy ending.

Charly created a topic of Jinx

So this author does have a piss kink xD

Charly created a topic of Limited Run

Yeon-oh, you’re losing me here man. Smh. God I hate where this is going.

Charly created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Aww, I'm a bit disappointed. This is one of those couples where I could totally see them being reverse. They're so cute.

Charly created a topic of Work Love Balance

-_- is this seriously what we’re doing for the second season??? Idunno what I was expecting but manufactured drama wasn’t it tbh.

Charly created a topic of Jinx

The toxicity in these threads reminds me just how much of a blessing it was the day mangago took away comments. Y'all need to chill the hell out.