Charly February 28, 2020 11:02 pm

The cycle of whining and arguing under this manhwa is getting old. No one has forgotten that rape exists in this manhwa; the need to bring it up again and again is really redundant cause we’re all reading the same material. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was actually something new being brought to the discussion but no: rape this, rape that. We get it. Rape bad. Seungho evil. Oh poor Nakyum. Just stop already.

Charly February 7, 2020 9:16 pm


So my two guesses are:
A. The letter could be from Seungho’s past lover whom he threw out along with his spy.
B. Someone from the family and if it is from the family, Seungho’s first reaction to burn it provides some context about what could’ve happened between him and his folks before the split.

    kyra 23 February 7, 2020 10:00 pm

    It's from his father

    Charly February 8, 2020 3:19 am
    It's from his father kyra 23

    Oh! Well the plot is seriously picking up now

Charly January 30, 2020 12:05 pm wonder Nakyum got sick. Seungho is a beast — both sexually and otherwise.

Charly December 29, 2019 8:39 am

When big dick energy literally manifests in size. Jesus take the wheel.

Charly December 20, 2019 10:19 pm

At this point all I want to see is Seungho with his hair down. I’m curious how he’d look.

Charly December 18, 2019 6:51 pm

With the family just dipping on Seungho, even to the point of taking must be that his carefree and promiscuous lifestyle brought shame to them so they left. But he doesn’t seem completely disowned since he still has his title and wealth...
Or is he actually self-sufficient and not dependent on their wealth? Nobility must’ve been different back in historical Korea.
It doesn’t seem as if they even try to keep in contact...

Charly December 12, 2019 1:02 am

Seungho is such a brute and there’s nothing to be blamed for that but his upbringing. Pretending to be In-hun was him unknowingly stepping on a landmine and he wasn’t expecting this recoil. Still...he doesn’t completely direct all his anger at Nakyum — this is the second time he’s held back from doing even more bodily harm to Nakyum (the straw mat beating). It’s obvious he favors Nakyum but Nakyum, rightfully, wants nothing to do with him.

If Nakyum did in fact run off maybe it’s In Hun who’ll convince him to come back to plot whatever vengeance scheme he has up his sleeve.

There’s no romance end game to this story lol. I just can’t see that happening, unless Seungho’s gonna do a 180 and try to win Nakyum’s heart through kindness and gifts. But it’d take hell for someone like Seungho to have a complete transformation.

    koituaoi December 12, 2019 1:37 am

    You just shattered every possiblity of happiness

    Charly December 12, 2019 2:10 am
    You just shattered every possiblity of happiness koituaoi

    Lol there is but one way to give them the happy ending they need: fanfiction ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

    koituaoi December 12, 2019 2:49 am
    Lol there is but one way to give them the happy ending they need: fanfiction ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و Charly

    true very true

Charly November 21, 2019 1:28 pm

Who’s betting the servant may actually end up being the one to tell Nakyum about Seungho’s past? But I’m also a little on edge for his safety, because clearly Seungho won’t hesitate to cut down anyone that gets in his way or speaks too much. If the servant had ever told Nakyum what happened that night, he’d have died.

Charly November 16, 2019 4:47 pm

What will all this outrage about rape in the manhwa — and all the others read — effect?
The authors aren’t here to see this activism, so if you do want to instigate some change in the type of stories these authors deliver...why not DM them or go on a platform where they will see your outrage?
Because this is all very roundabout and trite to argue amongst yourselves like this.

    Kuro November 16, 2019 7:36 pm

    Okay first of all, the authors can write what they want but sending a mob to the author isn't going to help. Especially with these types of 'activists' they will send death threats, probably try to doxx her, etc... just because they do not like how the story is going. I personally would not want that for byeonduck (or anyone for that matter). The fact that she does have a twitter means it's a lot easier for people to target her (an actual human being).

    Charly November 17, 2019 2:50 am
    Okay first of all, the authors can write what they want but sending a mob to the author isn't going to help. Especially with these types of 'activists' they will send death threats, probably try to doxx her, et... Kuro

    Oh I know, but I said that to call out the stupidity and irony of all their senseless bickering. It doesn’t solve anything; it’s repetitive and annoying. If it bothers them so much, the logical thing to do is to stop engaging the material rather than causing themselves unwanted grief. The pretentious behavior is appalling.

    Kuro November 17, 2019 5:19 pm
    Oh I know, but I said that to call out the stupidity and irony of all their senseless bickering. It doesn’t solve anything; it’s repetitive and annoying. If it bothers them so much, the logical thing to do ... Charly

    I agree ^ (but also byeonduck seems to be a very emotional person bc she has been very vocal on Twitter about things sometimes. And it does make me feel a little bad when people be mean to her or hurt un some form/fashion). But yeah how people act on this thread is awful.

Charly November 14, 2019 2:08 pm

I want more of this side of Yoon; exposure to the part of him that is cultured, well-read and putting other presumptuous characters (like Inhun and that other lover boy) in their place about his family’s standing. Perhaps even a cameo interaction with a close relative or something lol. Stories like this can have so many layers, so it’d be nice for Yahwacheop to explore the other dimensions...if she can.

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