dear fellow readers on Manga go,
I have over 1000 manga which I bookmarked as "read" and carefully add stars to them to help me indicate the favor levels.
But since yesterday all of my stars suddenly disappeared and never come back anymore thus I'm really frustrated right now.
Anyone shares the same bug as mine?

I'm looking for an old shoujo , the heroine is afaid of boys and used to study in a all girl school but then she was forced to move in a mixed school. She encountered with a Talkable Dinosaur Plushie who loved eatting riceball like crazy and helped her cure her Androphobia.
This shoujo is ectremely cute and I'm really desperate to find out what its name is ><

I'm pretty sure it's this one :)

anyone knows how to upload manga to this site? I want to translate a manga which I have full volume and share with everyone but I don't know how to ~!~
Edit 3 (July 2024)
The site has changed since I've made this topic and an Upload button has been placed so that everyone with registered account can contribute. You can continue discuss if any problems arise in the comment section.
Edit 1: sorry, after I edited this post, all the comments suddenly disappeared. Is this a bug <cry>
Edit 2: to upload new mangna, go to the Top page of any manga, look carefully for the small floating flag icon on the left, this icon will follow you even if you scroll up or down so just look at the left of the webpage.
Click to that flag icon, select "upload chapter" , then paste 2 following things:
1. Detailed description of the manga you wanna upload ( title, author, genre, summary.etc)
2. Link to download your manga chapter you are going to upload. You can upload your manga to a hosting page first then paste link here so that the admins can download then. Remeber that mangago admin will be the one who uploads the chapters to mangago, not you.

The contact us button just open your email system with an address filled out. The address is: [email protected]

Please replace the 3 with an e when trying to go to the site because mangago won’t allow us to just post the link to it.

I want to upload "I'd Rather Believe" manga, all 40 chapters. How can I do that? The file is pdf.

You must upload your manga onto some host first, like mediafire for example,and I suggest you make it in jpeg extension.
Then You can open any manga on mangago, on its home page ( cover and chapters list page) , click on the Flag on the top left of that manga cover thumbnail, a box will pop out. Paste the link to the manga you have uploaded beforehand and write the description of it ( like author name, genre, manga name...). The admin will upload onto mangago for you then.

Oh they have "upload chapters" as new option, I haven't uploaded anything for a year, but I used to use "other problems ". I suggest you use that if you upload a brand new series so that you can specify the comic information, if you just wanna upload for an existing series then "upload chapters " is a better choice

hi guys :) share this with anyone who might need it.
https://imgur.com/a/cjJdgRi (a post on how to upload to mangago)
TIP: please double-check and make sure they're in the order you want them in before generating a link and reporting it to mangago.
enjoy :)

So I found out how to do it and uploaded a manga recently :) Email [email protected]

I also need help with uploading. When arranging the order of the images, i don't know if the image on the bottom is gonna be the first page when i publish it or the image on the top is the first page, im afraid that when i upload it, the supposed last panel will be the first page idk if it makes sense

Im wondering the same too, Ive followed the first way of this guide https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/mangago_how_to_guide/uu/br_chapter-4274/pg-1/ but I havent got any replied yet nor the page up there, is it because it was sunday yesterday or should I try the second way?

I always do it the second way. Just send this, and try to be exact with the info you add. The mods don’t look up anything to make sure it’s correct. I recommend looking at either MyAnimeList or MangaUpdates ^^
Other Title: (english title and Japanese/Korean/Chinese title)
Hope that helps :)

here the guide https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/mangago_how_to_guide/uu/br_chapter-4274/pg-1/ but sending msg on the admin is not working so you better mail them directly

its been the talk recently https://torrentfreak.com/kakao-reveals-anti-piracy-success-legal-action-against-major-manga-sites-240821/

Email [email protected] and send the following:
Other Title: (the title in Japanese/Korean/Chinese, as well as English if the title is in romaji. Hope that makes sense)
Genre: (check MAL or MangaUpdates)
Summary: (same as above)
Cover Link: (I always look up the title in its original language and copy one of those links. Ex: Amazon.co.jp)
Status: (ongoing or complete - only choose complete if you have all the chapters. People make this mistake a lot)
Whenever I see someone begging for manga recommendation since the’ve run out of good manga to read, I think of my ‘want to read” list with more than 600 mangas still waiting for me -_-“ ( and it’s still increasing faster )
You bother making a list? I see a manga I want to read I just go for it.
I just tap the button "want to read" and it will be added to my "want to read' list right a way. I always skim the 'latest updates" first , then the comment list, sometime the recommend list in order to scan for good appealing manga , bookmark it and read it slowly later when I have time at night since I have too much job to do during the daylight T_T
My 'Want to read & Reading" are big piles & still increasing as well. HA+ (≧∀≦)
The problem is we don't have time to read or finish them right away, so marking them is the best way to keep track and we also get update notification too for the ones in "Read/Reading" lists.
Mine keeps increasing as well. Not to mention I know there's manga in my 'want to read' section that I've actually read or started to read and I haven't bothered to switch them. I also constantly read completed or even ongoing manga that I've already read or am currently reading, whenever I can't find anything else to read. I actually don't mind because I fall in love with the manga all over again. Sigh~ I'm stuffed.
I know that (= 3 =)=3. I live on the notifications I get. I'm just saying cut out the middle man.
Mine there're still some manga I wanna re-read to review or whatever too, so I just switch them into the front homepage to make it easy to see. HA+
I see. (●'◡'●)ノ