OK so it's been 1hours since I uploaded a chapter of a lost virgin manga ( which shows complated here but one more chapter exist i am uploading it. previous uploaders added extra as a an actual chapter so) but it hasn't been approved yet should I try uploading again? all my images are jpg form. i used upload new chapter button. when i click the link from my uploads page it says this chapter is delted. what shpuld i do because i love this manga what to see people actual ending.
i noticed some scanation groups keep baiting us uploading chapters here first than to lure their shity discord servers by hoaxing about authors or some other bulllshit about legal treats. than they gaslight people who ever upload over them, gaslight people to report chapters. its like mlm scheme those karen's do and i am so sick of it beware about these bitches and dont jump on everything ..
why all uploads keep on dissapairing wgh is going on?
Most likely deleted or reported chapters that are either badly translated or has shtty quality