rehabbbb created a topic of Thirst

what he actually did by blood bond . bite him or sth?

progressing reading on second book which tooks two years after this one... right now... there is a develompent for sure.. now they are using pocket butter for lube instead of olive oil. lol

rehabbbb created a topic of Under the Green Light

mr lee looks like upgraded version of chang. looks more evil and sexier

i read the novel was free so why not lol it was medicore. what i mad at this chapter is steff actually kicks that duchess ass at that scene i think manga version he is gonna be more watred down maybe idn lol. btw most interesting part of novel was they use olive oil as a lube and screaming name of jesus more than people at church at sunday service. you're welcome.

what he did for his friend was unrealistic to me. speaking from experience as group of toxic twinks besties in early 00's we were backstaping eachother left and right at colladge lol.

rehabbbb created a topic of Dog's Love Way

are we sure he isnt pet rock right? he doesnt seem feline tome me. they are smart animals.

rehabbbb created a topic of Happy Shitty Life

harada outdit herself on this chapter lol.

what intersting about this is take rape element next level in omemaverse strories. choices.

rehabbbb created a topic of kiss on the piano

whole thing is non con resital and creepy tbh when you think of it.

rehabbbb created a topic of In My Desert

we know dragon gonna be bottom lol.

i looked for this ones author Mary Calmes . gir i personaly offended with that basic, live, laugh love karennesque book covers lol.

rehabbbb created a topic of Wootan to Fumi

he is just my typle bear bunny lol

rehabbbb created a topic of Master's Pet

i still cant decide if daikis leopard tattoo is sexy or looks discusting like a some skin diease...

soo much dry humping at this point they are gonna start forrest fire lol.

rehabbbb created a topic of Ways of Parting

suffer a lot I MEAN A LOT you little pysco twink bitch. this all your fault.

rehabbbb created a topic of Thirst

first things first im so pissed each time episodes so fucking short.

honeymoon phase is over for them i think we gonna get soo much drama

rehabbbb created a topic of Ring

i legit ciried. toys really impornant part of our childhood arent they.

when i was little i was so obsessed with barbie dolls. aroung age 5 my aunt got me a doll for my birthday for her first paycheck. she was one of those fairy dolls . pink one from fairytopia line if u familiar with. my dad was like not to ok with it for being homofobic pice of shit he is. he deadass trow it on fireplace without giving me chance to open the box. i remembered that lol. im getting emotional .