Apple doesn't fall that far from the tree after all

The pedophile Morning diamonds DMed a 16yo user for pics and his defense is ''Pedophilia is 13 and below''. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15991932/
He is a rape apologist and says women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. He claims Jaekyung never raped Dan in fact the opposite.
Tmsmyz is one of his many alt accounts. Morning diamonds is his main. He has 10+ other alts accounts.

Holly, the first two comment are from the same person who is cyberstalking their victims. They are pretending to be trolls.
They claim we are overly sensitive troll victims of theirs. Which is a lie but shows everything they say is them "trolling" aka harassing and gaslighting their victims to where others will harm them. They are not trolls. Ignore them, block them.