I've been seeing this a lot actually .. i tried to read some reviews comment and critics about the story i don't have any preference when it comes to the drawing but its just an add point for me. for almost 1 and half year of reading i cant count the times i temp to read this but doesn't seem to have motivation to continue .. but just as of today i start it from the beginning and finished it .. and i am speechless .. it like I've been raiding a roller coaster and can't seem to get enough with this... i highly recommend it to everyone to try and get back to me if disagree
hi everyone is posting about the spoiler from the novel, but no even putting the link for that novel, can anyone please give me a link I'd like to read it by myself, if you're hesitant to reply the link here please message me instead I would highly appreciate it, thanks in advance
Sb put this down on another comment saying it's the novel https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/solo-for-two-%EC%86%94%EB%A1%9C-%ED%8F%AC-%ED%88%AC.168431/
i see thanks for this