Even though I'm also a bi female, I'll try to answer. And I really think I could write a whole essay on this. Firstly, I feel like the mechanics of yaoi sex can be quite off. You have to keep in mind that most authors are female and they aren't always knowledgeable about gay sex. And maybe they think that since it's fiction that they can just do wh......
When I was 7, my brother came out to me because he wanted to be able to have his friends, their lovers and his lover over without freaking me out. So, I have been around gay men for forty years. I was about 8 or 9 when I realized that I found women just as appealing and attractive as men. I had a crush on both of my best friends. One was male and t......
Hey, I first off don't believe you should end your life, it's never quite the answer (trust me I've tried). Depending on your age you can leave the house. Other than that, please understand that your teenage years are such a small portion of your life, and once they are over you're free. Find a passion to drown in, I found writing helped me quite a......
Okay so here's the thing: A lot of my classmates take the bus while returning the school, and there are three boys from my class. Two of them are incredibly close, like he holds seats for him if he is a little late, tries to talk to him through all the ride. And even, when an old lady shows up he gets up quickly to give her a seat so the other one ......
How accurate do you think yaoi sex scenes are?