Boring essay incoming since I have nothing better to do. Everyone has their own moral compass. My two cents? Pedophilia and rape are much more vile than murder. There may be certain circumstances in which murder can be justified e.g. self-defense, revenge, vigilantism, etc. But pedophilia and rape? There really is no moral justification for viola......
WHAT? Okay the author is still shitty for what they did but I respected her decision of wanting her webtoon taken off but I still don't condone her actions regardless of whether the uploader cat fished or not. Neither do I condone the uploader's actions here, anyway...imma try staying away from this drama and read my manga in peace
What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious
What's career are you pursuing?