Honestly I'm on Alex side with this onet Dg is at fault,they made a deal the only one who made things a while like of shit was DG ,he shouldn't have go be in front of the camera like that and ruin all of alex hard work like that just becuz of his one sided love,and then wants to pull carp and say that Alex was using him all this time WE'LL WASN'T THAT THE DEAL?!
I can understand Alex anger cuz I would be too
Idk if it's just me but I fine the plot is moving too..awkwardly in a sense. 1) daichi kindove just accepted that Thomas wanted the uhh uke as his mom, and then to add he just...payed off all his debt so easily
2) there was some other stuff I recognised as well but kindove forgot but I'm not really getting that..connection between the main characters yet. I mean it is only the first few chapters so I'll give it that