I think the author made the bitch name luo-omething a bit... he is just too much? Is he a fucking matrix?
I mean, he was tortured once, to the point when he was a wrack, then he was saved, but still didn't give up on harming Niannan, so he was tortured for the second time and still had the balls to try something on Niannan, I mean, no one would act like this, it's so obvious that he would be tortured again but still tried some tricks. His character is so ridiculous, after being beaten trying to get public sympathy... I have a feeling author made this bitch be this way only to make him the most evil and to make him harm Niannan all the time even though it makes no sense... He appeared to be SOOOOP SMART that he fooled everyone for so long but now he is IM A RETARD LALALALAA A WILL KILL NIANNAN LALALALA
This novel is so fucked up, the author just has no taste, writing something about MC whose life is worse than hell and bring justice to him all of a sudden. How the Qin family just gets away with everything it pisses mi off, they could find out that they were behind all this shit sooner, but no... THEIR BIGGEST ENEMY COULDN'T POSSIBLY PLOT SO MANY THINGS THAT WOULD DESTROY THE COMAPNY, NO FUCKING WAY.
Everyone is dumb in this story just to make it WE WANT JUSTICE at the end after all this shit already happened. Laughable
I almost finished the novel, Niannan is such a punching bag for the author all the time... He gets kidnapped few times, he gets pushed few times and his wounds get worse, he has stomach bleeding, he overdose his meds, his body is in a shitty state and at the very end he gets depression because of Gu Yansheng AND TRIES TO KILL HIMSELF. COME ON. I know those are fictional characters but it's inhuman to read...
I'm so angry (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

I have a feeling that Leatrice is also a victim of this family. She looks as if she want to lover her children like normal mother, but can't. It turns out the one who wanted the kids to be evil was Derek. Leatrice has no idea about those things. I don't think she is a good person, but I think she does everything she can. After all she has to keep Derek's favour, if she don't want to end like his other women, abandoned and maybe killed. I imagined she would be an evil and crazy witch who would kill our FL on the spot when she caught her. But she even laughed at how naive FL is and questioned her instead of harming her. I think Leatrice is just trying to live in this mad family.

I'm pretty sure that he looks at her mother's portrait because the adult Viche looks exactly the same as her mother. And when he admitted he looks at it because her mother is beautiful, he meant Viche from the future is really beautiful. That's why he always stops there to look at it. Another proof that the went back in time.

Can someone remind me what's the problem with Medea and her father? It's been a while since i read this and completely forgot. Did the father do something horrible, because some people say that if Medea is a demon then what he is. I guess he is not a good person at all?

Since medea was a bright child since a very young age, her father saw that and built an inferiority complex towards her and so as to "grasp the chance of the situation" he stole medea's strategy and plotting ideas and marked them as his own and bc he both had the inferiority complex and bc he needed to restrain medea from showing her intelligence to the outside world, he sort of abused her, tormented her and manipulated her throughout her childhood to make her feel inferior to him and what spilled the final drop for medea was the incident where her father killed medea's nanny who was the only person in the household that treated her with warmth and cared about.
That's want I pretty much remember on the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more.

I think the father deserves punishment more than ML. Of course, ML also should be punished for the pain he caused FL, even if he didn't mean to. But the father should get a punishment that should make him beg to FL for mercy on knees. He is such a piece of shit that he deserves the worst and I hope his karma will make his life hell.

Ironic how sometime ago I said Lafilia is a pain in the ass and is as selfish as her mother. And the only reason she likes the prince is because he is a prince and she is a bitchy as her mother. Back then people were so mad at me for being angry at a kid and how nothing is her fault. Today many people think the same way I do after she told everyone she shared letters with the crown prince which could suggest she has a close relationship with him and that they may be engaged. Even if she is not doing it on purpose, it's clearly a bitchy way to stick to someone of power.
Holy shit... Since everyone says the first prince is the ML then that dumb Lafilia will probably make trouble again. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
After all she wants to be a real princess and maybe even she will grow ambition to be a queen, otherwise she wouldn't stick to the princes like a leech, which means she will probably be jealous and try to do stupid things... At first she was like a leech to those princes but then became friends, so it's hard to tell how it will turn out to be. Since the princes' attention was on her before she will most likely hate Ellen more if the first prince will be with Ellen. Well, anyway I hope she will grow to be a decent lady and such things won't take place.
It's not certain, if she gets smarter after this then there will be no problem in the future. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
But i really want this all bullshit with Lafilia to end, her stupidity despite others warnings really got on my nerves.
DAMNNN TIME TO DROP THIS. I fucking hate those dumb princes. Ewww, look at them, theyre so pathetic. And they cant fucking take a hint.
Yeah, I agree. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧