i cant with them translating 형이 to “hyungie” or adding the “ie” after a name or title

no in korean when a name or title has an “ending consonant” (받침) you add an “ee” (이) to indicate they are performing the action. if there is no “ending letter” you put “ga” (가) instead.
so for example if i said “jo ate an apple” then it would be “jo *ga* sagwa reul muguh ssuh” (조가 사과를 먹었어) because jo doesnt have an ending consonant.
on the other hand “hyung” has an ending consonant (ng) so you would add “ee” after it to indicate the subject (hyung) did something (verb). (hyung *ee* sagwa reul muguh ssuh)
the translation is adding the “ee” as a part of their names though and i thought it was funny
i really really want some dude to snatch up dajeong so he can leave that ugly ahh mf with no eyebrows