Hi! I'm currently 16 yrs old. My main language it's not English, too. I only had one bf since now, and it was terrible. I mean, I wasn't prepared and I didn't like it enough, I just accepted because everyone had a bf or a partner. So my advice for you it's the same, just wait! Definitely, at some time someone will appear in your life, just don't ru......
I'm 21~ And the thing that I wish someone would have told me when I was younger, is to never make life decisions half-assedly. I decided to ignore the only stuff that makes me passionate in life, which is writing & drawing, and picked up nursing instead because it seemed like a solid career. I didn't understand that getting through college is somet......
I'm 20 and I haven't lost it yet. I have a really high sex drive but I've never been attracted to anyone around me, my friends say I may be asexual, I don't think that I am. However until I do find someone sexually attractive I'll remain a virgin. Besides you can't miss what you don't know and self love *wink wink* is a beautiful thing.
24 turning 25 soon and still virgin. At this point, i call it getting to know myself and embracing/enjoying single life. I am one and done kind of gal. I have mastered patience and dodging. Finding the right one takes long long time. You waited this long for a reason although good luck with your adventures. Sometimes i try to tell myself to try ......
i'm 23 and still virgin cuz i didn't find the one who i can trust in yet
I was 21 at the time I lost it with my bf (who is a couple of years older and lost his too at the same time). My advise is to wait and/or be safe. You can go around having all the sex you want but be aware of STDs and weird people. But sex is not everything in life, I hate how society makes such a big deal of it and young people are having it witho......
Friends had boyfriends, I had none