girl i think if you had to write all that shi it’s a sign to just stop being friends w this person…. i ain’t reading all that but js tellin you that they have to be a red flag if u write so many things
And I want the two characters to actually get together, not the MC/ML going with someone else in the end.
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Honey,I personally think that it's totally fine to date someone who's fitter than you.And I understand your concern,but the durability of a good relationship depends on the people's emotions for each otherBeing fit or not is a choice, him not liking the fact that you work out or not shouldn't concern you going out if he likes you and you consider h......
I'm single right now because I choose to be. While what you stated may have been true for me in the past (Like a lack of self confidence, fear of people and rejection) today i find it more convenient and healthier for myself to have all of my stuff together before I dive into a relationship. I'm pretty social now a days and I like meeting new peop......
Let me start from the beginning. The summer before I was a freshman in High School I started talking to this guy on MySpace. I'm 22 so a lot of you might not know about that. It was like an old Facebook mixed with Tumblr. Anyways, I talked to him because I was hurt. My ex had just broken up with me to go out with this girl and that guy was friends ......
How do I handle it? I drown myself in manga! I was in a relationship for such a long time and then it suddenly ended. The hardest part was sleeping alone. When you are lying in bed at night with nothing to distract you, it's pretty hard to endure. So, yea. I recommend drowning in manga.
never throwing out plastics or used bottles (especially glass ones) and having a dedicated shelf full of them with the mindset that they’ll be used someday. Free sachets of condiments are always kept, and when handwashing rags, the water is always used for other parts that need cleaning, never thrown away immediately. And the most damning of them......
From the chinese TV shows my mum watches, usually it's a nickname that's a mangled version of their name. Like uhh if your name was xiaomei, it might be mei-jie or something. Or xiao-mei (but the 小 (small) not the original letter). So, if your characters name was XY, then his nickname might literally just be Xiao X or Xiao Y. There's a comedi......
In most stories, movies, books, and manhwas it’s seen as “hot” to have an attractive, toxic, and probably abusive male lead. It sells no matter what generation. Most BL is written by women for women ex. How the uke and seme are drawn big and buff seme who can “protect” the uke and small big-eyed uke who needs a dick to think. People are d......
ur gna have me YAPPING cus I have five years worth of BOOKMARKED FICS judging by ur pfp im assuming u like one piece?; > gen, no ships > BAMF Nami & Usopp > Nami and Usopp travel back in time after their deaths (Usopp is blind and Nami has a metal arm)
Dropping a friend - advice