Dear Roxana, I know your dad doesn’t need anymore wife on his collection but please be informed that I’m a hardworking woman who’s ready to fight and is a bit not right in the head hence I’ll be kicking out your father’s wives existence in the palace effective immediately, make me his only wife, and wait for Cassiss and you to come and let the death do us part (cause I’m romanticist like that teeheeლ(´ڡ`ლ))
With warm hug and kisses,
Your future step-mom

Hi guys please help me, I’m dumb
Can you please tell me why the grandmother was like suddenly trembling and asked the ML when he’ll back to the army???????? It’s in ch 17 fyi
Please someone enlighten my dumb ass
Thanks in advance

just a speculation/observation:
She was trembling coz she PROBABLY realized that Judith's eyes is kinda similar to the Princess she served before, and PROBABLY realized that Judith has some royal blood. She PROBABLY used the question whether the Uncle would be back in the army as a diversion to hide her nervousness- OR not lol.

Guys, after spending a whole night thinking about this, I thought the answer simply cause the mother too, like every servants in that household, is afraid of our ML cause he’s cold blooded(?)
Apricornlatte is prolly right. The grandma was caught staring our FL too much and she needed to divert the convo but it’s just so happen that the topic she chose has something to do with her son that kinda scares her(?)
Seiji is a whole ass mood(≧∀≦)