Hanne September 4, 2017 7:56 am

This is kind of heartbreaking. How callous can someone be? Leaving him hanging year after year. Sniff

Hanne September 4, 2017 7:49 am

This! This is what happens when I go on vacation for two weeks! This little miracle. Bless you scanlation team for picking this up!

Hanne July 10, 2017 12:39 am

These guys are so bloody cute and I love fujoshi grandmamma

    tokidoki July 10, 2017 12:40 am

    Yaasss! And a good plot behind the lovely smut.

Hanne May 4, 2017 2:23 am

I find it interesting how many people comment about the plot holes in this story, so I thought about the many stories and manga that I have read, and each of them have plot holes. It is a representation of how people think to find plot holes in stories, and to pick apart and critique things we read/watch. I personally don't mind plot holes, because then I can insert my own narrative into the gaps, find my own reasons for why a character does what they do, however irrational my own ideas are. It does create a lovely discourse when there is a forum as open as this one is to allow readers to discuss their interpretation and point of view of a work, something that I really miss when I read a novel.

    Reality bites May 4, 2017 11:19 am

    That is very true , a book can't share ideas with you.

    LadyLigeia May 4, 2017 12:21 pm

    Not all 'plot holes' are really what they seem. They might be plot devices to allow the readers to immerse themselves better in the story and to allow them to identify with the characters. Sometimes they are an artful way to keep readers interested in the story. For example: Who is really Asami? What are really his feelings?
    example 2: Who killed Laura Palmer?

    Anonymous May 4, 2017 6:24 pm
    Not all 'plot holes' are really what they seem. They might be plot devices to allow the readers to immerse themselves better in the story and to allow them to identify with the characters. Sometimes they are an... LadyLigeia

    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :(
    I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years.

    LadyLigeia May 4, 2017 6:43 pm
    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :( I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years. @Anonymous

    Yeah, it might be hard after 12 years or more. The problem with this story isn't the supposed 'plot holes' but its sloooow slooooow pace. I understand people's annoyance.

    tokidoki May 4, 2017 11:44 pm
    Unfortunately that kind of plot devices starts to be annoying after 12 years of reading. :( I don't really enjoy to read it anymore but I'm reluctant to drop it after 12 years. @Anonymous

    I have only been reading for a couple of years, but I read novels that can take years to get the next story, such as one series that started in 1993, and just released the next in the series ... 25 years to follow a series! (⊙…⊙ ) (okay I did not start reading it in '93, but still...)

    Anonymous May 5, 2017 4:58 am
    I have only been reading for a couple of years, but I read novels that can take years to get the next story, such as one series that started in 1993, and just released the next in the series ... 25 years to fol... tokidoki

    Wow! are you talking about asoiaf series? That's right we're waiting for Winds of Winter to come since 2011 but at least plot is moving in that one. I don't expect new chapters every week from Finder, I just want plot to move.

    tokidoki May 5, 2017 5:14 am
    Wow! are you talking about asoiaf series? That's right we're waiting for Winds of Winter to come since 2011 but at least plot is moving in that one. I don't expect new chapters every week from Finder, I just wa... @Anonymous

    Nah, the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series ... 27 books on (10,000 pages!) and the mc has only developed a little bit - other than the fact that she started out as a woman dedicated to monogamy, and now juggles 30+ men and is trying to compete with 50 Shades in terms of BDSM. The series started well, with no expectations of smut and now seems to be half porn and a little story. The early books were great, but am getting a little tired of the characters and story lately.
    I have read most of asiof, but kind of got bored with all the my favourite characters being killed off. LOL

    Anoni Grrl May 6, 2017 1:36 am
    Nah, the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series ... 27 books on (10,000 pages!) and the mc has only developed a little bit - other than the fact that she started out as a woman dedicated to monogamy, and now juggles... tokidoki

    Okay, I still hate read/hate skim Anita Blake--but to be fair, you don't have to look so much to find problems with those books--you just have to groan or laugh out loud when they smack you in the face. It's not like I ever expect it to be more than what it is. It's not even good BDSM, but...well, it's a train wreck.

    And that series clearly changed from how it was in the beginning.

    tokidoki May 6, 2017 2:05 am
    Okay, I still hate read/hate skim Anita Blake--but to be fair, you don't have to look so much to find problems with those books--you just have to groan or laugh out loud when they smack you in the face. It's no... Anoni Grrl

    For sure, I really enjoyed the first couple of books, now it just seems to be a venue for Anita getting it on with every Toms' Harry Dick, and still being immature and belligerent. Plus the author makes so many gaffes and bizarre storylines (her Merry Gentry books are like this too) and the mc is just the author herself. It is somewhat better written than 50 shades, but the author is losing steam because she seems to be afraid of letting her characters grow.

Hanne March 11, 2017 12:30 am

Just saw a sneak peak of a possible mistranslation, Kuroda may not be a lawyer/prosecutor after all, but a Detective ... That actually makes a lot of sense!

    LadyLigeia March 11, 2017 2:01 am

    Sounds interesting, really! I would like to know what kind of detective (someone who works for the governative services, maybe?)

    Hanne March 11, 2017 2:11 am
    Sounds interesting, really! I would like to know what kind of detective (someone who works for the governative services, maybe?) LadyLigeia

    Sounded more like a Police Detective ... which would explain why he was leading the raid on the warehouse when Sudou kidnapped Akihito

    LadyLigeia March 11, 2017 2:23 am
    Sounded more like a Police Detective ... which would explain why he was leading the raid on the warehouse when Sudou kidnapped Akihito Hanne

    A high officer of the Police, maybe? For a special section like the FBI in the USA? (⊙…⊙ )

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 3:34 am

    Japanese version says prosecutor

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 3:45 am
    Japanese version says prosecutor @Anonymous

    But he does use his title to investigate for Asami. Detective doesn't have the power to arrange passports, and clean up after Asami's messes :P

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 4:34 am

    "In Japan, public prosecutors kensatsu-kan (検察官?) are professional officials who have considerable powers of investigation, prosecution, superintendence of criminal execution and so on. Prosecutors can direct police for investigation purposes, and sometimes investigate directly. Only prosecutors can prosecute criminals in principle, and prosecutors can decide whether to prosecute or not. High-ranking officials of the Ministry of Justice are largely prosecutors."

    Not all jobs are exactly the same from countries to countries.

    Hanne March 11, 2017 4:36 am
    "In Japan, public prosecutors kensatsu-kan (検察官?) are professional officials who have considerable powers of investigation, prosecution, superintendence of criminal execution and so on. Prosecutors can di... ねぇねぇ

    Huh... well thanks for the info. Interesting and explains why there is a question on whether his title has been translated incorrectly! :D

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 5:03 am
    Huh... well thanks for the info. Interesting and explains why there is a question on whether his title has been translated incorrectly! :D Hanne

    Ahah, well I was in a similar discussion a few months ago where people were wondering about another character's title, turned out it was just that in Japan they had different duties. So I clicked and looked it up, and bingo, it seems to be the same here xD

    I just checked out and can confirm you that the kanjis used by Akihito in Pray in Abyss 10 are 検事. Which also means public prosecutor.

    dorkgirlalamode March 11, 2017 7:55 pm

    I've been wondering is the public prosecutor is working for Asami, or if Asami was working for the public prosecutor... the seizure of the large shipment of arms could have been orchestrated to keep them out of Asami's opponent's hands. I think Asami probably left Akihiko with the guy at the temple because he knows the guy is a former bodyguard and could keep him safe for a long time and even teach him some of his skills. But I'd still like to know HOW they got out of the attack at the apartment.

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 8:21 pm
    I've been wondering is the public prosecutor is working for Asami, or if Asami was working for the public prosecutor... the seizure of the large shipment of arms could have been orchestrated to keep them out of... dorkgirlalamode

    Asami knocked off the guy (if you missed that, go reread the chapters, pages were added) and we are to assume they escaped with the helicopter as we see Asami go toward Akihito and Kirishima near the helicopter.

    Then they pulled this off on Akihito:

    Eclipse216 March 14, 2017 8:06 pm
    Asami knocked off the guy (if you missed that, go reread the chapters, pages were added) and we are to assume they escaped with the helicopter as we see Asami go toward Akihito and Kirishima near the helicopter... ねぇねぇ

    lmao this comment/video made my night!!! xDDDD

Hanne September 27, 2016 5:35 am

Tycho Brahe and FMAs Gluttony are here ... and Frankie is fighting them

    tokidoki September 28, 2016 5:43 am

    Are you calling the guy with the blue metal nose Tycho Brahe? Hahaha, good analogy!

Hanne September 26, 2016 3:47 am

All of you need to calm down, so there was a glitch in the site letting us know there was an update, but this hysteria is getting a little silly. Have some tea, meditate and relax before ranting, please ... it is not like it's the end of the world.

    UGH September 26, 2016 3:56 am

    I mean they should be used to this
    It happens at least like once or twice a month

    KikiBee September 26, 2016 3:57 am

    *rants about how much I like tea*

    Hanne September 26, 2016 5:04 am
    *rants about how much I like tea* KikiBee

    *Rant away, I like it too ... yuuuuuummmmmm, er ... Ohmmmmmm*

    Hanne September 26, 2016 5:05 am
    Right I mean they should be used to this It happens at least like once or twice a month UGH

    Um, only recently, and I think it is happening because the chapters got renumbered ... maybe.

    UGH September 26, 2016 5:16 am
    Um, only recently, and I think it is happening because the chapters got renumbered ... maybe. Hanne

    Since the last official chapter
    I usually get fake notifications maybe not every month but pretty frequently
    Well the last 3 or 4 months its like i said earlier

    KikiBee September 26, 2016 5:47 am
    *Rant away, I like it too ... yuuuuuummmmmm, er ... Ohmmmmmm* Hanne

    Lol thank you for playing along hehe. I love spicy teas like ginger or chai

    Hanne September 26, 2016 5:55 am
    Lol thank you for playing along hehe. I love spicy teas like ginger or chai KikiBee

    Me too, plus teas like Rosehip and Hibiscus (so yummy) and other fruit/flower types. So much to experiment with.

    Hanne September 26, 2016 5:56 am
    Since the last official chapter I usually get fake notifications maybe not every month but pretty frequently Well the last 3 or 4 months its like i said earlier UGH

    Hmmm, I only got the one false one (two days in a row) and the one for the sweet extra. Much be a glitch.

    KikiBee September 26, 2016 8:11 am
    Me too, plus teas like Rosehip and Hibiscus (so yummy) and other fruit/flower types. So much to experiment with. Hanne

    Haven't had rosehip. I like habiscus. Pretty much as long as no liquorice was consulted in the making of the tea. Found a couple chai thst get a liquorice after taste if it steeps for more than like 2 minutes....its freaking awful. Gave it away....my friend acted like I gave her the treasure of the Sierra madres though when I gave it to her so somebody thought it was good.

    Hanne September 26, 2016 8:29 am
    Haven't had rosehip. I like habiscus. Pretty much as long as no liquorice was consulted in the making of the tea. Found a couple chai thst get a liquorice after taste if it steeps for more than like 2 minute... KikiBee

    I have some licorice tea myself, can't stand the taste - but love licorice candy ... Try a Rosehip/Hibiscus mix (Messmer Tea is what I drink) but Starbucks has Passion Tea (purple bags last time I bought it) that is pretty great too.

    Reality bites September 26, 2016 10:10 am

    Earl Grey Tea in the morning. Chamomile with spearmint is very calming , like that one also.

    LadyLigeia September 26, 2016 12:21 pm
    Earl Grey Tea in the morning. Chamomile with spearmint is very calming , like that one also. @Reality bites

    I prefer coffee in the morning, but earl grey tea is also a good choice for me. I like so much the fragrance of a good cup of tea. :)

    Reality bites September 26, 2016 1:34 pm

    greetings Lady L, Take a peak at Shinjuku Swan and tell me what you think. Be warned no yaoi(no sex) lots of dirty dealings.

    LadyLigeia September 26, 2016 4:02 pm
    greetings Lady L, Take a peak at Shinjuku Swan and tell me what you think. Be warned no yaoi(no sex) lots of dirty dealings. @Reality bites

    Seems good. I'll try to read it. Thanks for the advice. ;)

    Hanne September 26, 2016 5:56 pm
    I prefer coffee in the morning, but earl grey tea is also a good choice for me. I like so much the fragrance of a good cup of tea. :) LadyLigeia

    Mmmmmm, coffee! My favourite warm beverage, love it in all its forms (coffee, lattes, espresso, cappuccino, chocolate covered espresso beans)

    LadyLigeia September 26, 2016 6:10 pm
    Mmmmmm, coffee! My favourite warm beverage, love it in all its forms (coffee, lattes, espresso, cappuccino, chocolate covered espresso beans) Hanne

    Cappuccino is one of my favorites. Soooo good! (⌒▽⌒)

    Amberwaves September 26, 2016 8:45 pm
    Mmmmmm, coffee! My favourite warm beverage, love it in all its forms (coffee, lattes, espresso, cappuccino, chocolate covered espresso beans) Hanne

    "....Om lidt er kaffen klar" We Danes and our coffee- lol!

    Hanne September 26, 2016 9:34 pm
    "....Om lidt er kaffen klar" We Danes and our coffee- lol! Amberwaves

    Ja, vi elsker vores kaffe (og øl) LOL

    LadyLigeia September 26, 2016 10:13 pm
    Ja, vi elsker vores kaffe (og øl) LOL Hanne

    Danish? What a beautiful language! :)

    Hanne September 26, 2016 11:03 pm
    Danish? What a beautiful language! :) LadyLigeia

    It is Danish, and hard to learn if you are not a native speaker, lots of dipthongs and glottal stops and odd conjugations, (plus if you speak with rural residents - as opposed to urban - the accent becomes rather difficult to understand - considering how small the country is, if you exclude Greenland)

    LadyLigeia September 26, 2016 11:12 pm
    It is Danish, and hard to learn if you are not a native speaker, lots of dipthongs and glottal stops and odd conjugations, (plus if you speak with rural residents - as opposed to urban - the accent becomes rath... Hanne

    Surely it's hard . Has Danish something in common with Hungarian? (Probably I'm wrong). In comparison English it's easier, at least about the grammar part (pronunciation is another matter). :)

    Amberwaves September 28, 2016 7:04 am
    It is Danish, and hard to learn if you are not a native speaker, lots of dipthongs and glottal stops and odd conjugations, (plus if you speak with rural residents - as opposed to urban - the accent becomes rath... Hanne

    But beautiful in the sense of a pastry, goes very nicely with coffee- wienerbrød men noget tungere. Otherwise, sentiment aside, I wouldn't really say it was all that 'beautiful' a language. No great range of expressive vocabulary (though some quirky and neat ones), nor do most consider it a pleasant language to listen to, though not as bad as some. But old, with more of its ancient Germanic origins vocabulary still in use than you'd think.

    Hanne September 28, 2016 7:31 am
    But beautiful in the sense of a pastry, goes very nicely with coffee- wienerbrød men noget tungere. Otherwise, sentiment aside, I wouldn't really say it was all that 'beautiful' a language. No great range of e... Amberwaves

    Oh yes, very true. And my uncle owed a bakery that made the best wienerbrød! It is quite quirky, isn't it? And there are some commonalities with Old English too (considering that the English integrated some Danish into their speech when the Danelaw was in effect ... that and the Norman influences)

    Amberwaves September 28, 2016 8:04 am
    Surely it's hard . Has Danish something in common with Hungarian? (Probably I'm wrong). In comparison English it's easier, at least about the grammar part (pronunciation is another matter). :) LadyLigeia

    Hungarian and Finnish have linguistic similarities, reminiscent of asiatic linguistic groups, which is what you might be thinking of. English is a bit of a hodge-podge, with Saxon English (Germanic), Gaelic, Danish, Norman French, and Medieval Latin all in the mix. Naturally messing up the grammar too. Luckily most of the basic languange and common words come from Saxon English, and so forms some sense of grammatical structure. And also a great deal of vocabulary in common with other Germanic languages such as Danish.

    Hanne September 28, 2016 8:31 am
    Hungarian and Finnish have linguistic similarities, reminiscent of asiatic linguistic groups, which is what you might be thinking of. English is a bit of a hodge-podge, with Saxon English (Germanic), Gaelic, Da... Amberwaves

    Yes, I actually found myself mixing Danish words into Old English text because of the similarities, words like fiskas and fuglas (fish and birds) is akin to fisk and fugl ... but having Danish made it easier to pronounce Old English because OE is more of a Germanic language than the more modern version of English. Sentence structure and grammar are also similar. (I suppose it helped that I took four years of university Latin as well - not for vocabulary, mind you, but more for etiology, grammar syntax lessons)

    LadyLigeia September 28, 2016 10:03 am

    Amberwaves & Hannes, thanks for all of this interesting information. :)

    Hanne September 28, 2016 10:17 am
    Amberwaves & Hannes, thanks for all of this interesting information. :) LadyLigeia

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Amberwaves September 28, 2016 2:11 pm
    Yes, I actually found myself mixing Danish words into Old English text because of the similarities, words like fiskas and fuglas (fish and birds) is akin to fisk and fugl ... but having Danish made it easier to... Hanne

    ME equivalent of fisk & fugl= fish & fowl, so still to be found, as in 'neither fish nor fowl'.

    My brother does medieval Latin, so the linguist & etimologist , I'm just a historian.

    Amberwaves September 28, 2016 2:13 pm
    Amberwaves & Hannes, thanks for all of this interesting information. :) LadyLigeia

    Sometimes getting sidetracked and way-off topic can be fun and educational. LOL

    LadyLigeia September 28, 2016 2:34 pm
    ME equivalent of fisk & fugl= fish & fowl, so still to be found, as in 'neither fish nor fowl'.My brother does medieval Latin, so the linguist & etimologist , I'm just a historian. Amberwaves

    I studied Latin when I was in high school. Then you're a historian, sounds good. ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Hanne September 28, 2016 6:02 pm
    ME equivalent of fisk & fugl= fish & fowl, so still to be found, as in 'neither fish nor fowl'.My brother does medieval Latin, so the linguist & etimologist , I'm just a historian. Amberwaves

    Ah, I am also a historian, but threw in a couple of languages so I could read the old texts in their original forms...and fugl does work better as fowl LOL

Hanne August 18, 2016 12:34 pm

Well, that sure fell flat, disappointed at how rushed and trite this was. Oh well.

    misekatte August 18, 2016 12:38 pm

    Yep, kinda sucks, and so many characters fates left unresolved - what actually happened at the end of the battle? Sigh ... and Byakuya put that thing back in his hair

Hanne July 9, 2016 12:44 pm

Evil! Leaving it like that, argh, now I will be impatiently waiting for the next chapter! Evil, talented sensei.

Hanne June 18, 2016 5:51 am

Hmmm, twisted, and I just can't find any sympathy for any of the characters, they are all so very damaged and seem to enjoy hurting those closest to them. Not sure I want to read other works by t his mangaka. Oh well, each to their own taste I guess.

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