Fellafriend's experience ( All 0 )

Fellafriend's answer ( All 17 )

I would stop giving them attention and just report them. Attention and to get people triggered it's what they want. Superstraight/lesbian/gay etc. Is also quiet since people started to ignore it   reply
13 06,2021
about question
11 06,2021
But in all seriousness my mom knows what I read and what I watch. She still finds it totally weird but I don't have much secrets from her. She is my bestie   reply
07 06,2021
about question
04 06,2021
04 06,2021
Just hold it in duh Seriously go to a doctor and NEVER EVER DO THINGS THAT ARE ON GOOGLE. ESPECIALLY PILLS, DONT BUY THEM IN A DARK ALLY. CONSUL A DOCTOR FIRST. But maybe you could just wear a Tampon but not for too long it could become unsafe and lead to a blood poisoning   reply
04 06,2021

Fellafriend's question ( All 2 )

Very time I talk about it with people they are like "ohhhh you are so young, you will find the right person"
But I personally don't want to have sex (in the near future). It may be because people are to "fast" nowadays( be it young aged people who have sex or people who change their boyfriend really often in a month).
And I hate this kind of thinking, call me a romantic person but, is it to hard to wait some time, preferably years to f*ck a person?
Very time I "meet" a guy he ALWAYS talks about how nice it would be if we could f*ck right now. It's really creepy and disturbing.
I just really want a guy who doesn't think it's funny to be a virgin and who can wait.
23 05,2021
Heyoo guys,
So do all of you also have kinda "bad friends" like they are nice but not really.
So my situation: I have a friend since 6th grade she always tell me that I'm her best friend and that we should do things together, but she always do it with other people first which I find kinda disrespectful but I'm not that mad. My birthday was on the 2nd of May and she congratulated me almost at the end of the day, again I was kinda disappointed but what can I do? What makes me really sad is that she throws for "our" other friends(they aren't really my friends, I like them but we sadly don't have much in common) birthday parties. Just small ones not that big but for me she didn’t do it once. I thought that maybe she thinks I wouldn't like it but I honestly told her I would like to celebrate my birthday one time like this. Also I'm strangely never invited lol. She invites people who she doesn't like much but me not and she doesn't even make excuses now. But she isn't the only one another friend of mine is almost the same. She moved to a other city because of university but was here on my birthday, but didn't even wanted to see me. She has a boyfriend and just talks about him the whole time. When both of them call me they don't even ask "hey how are you doing?" They just talk about themselves. I know it sounds kind of childish even more when you consider our ages 19-21.
Do y'all also have such "bad" friendship or do you have some tips for me?
I told them many times but the are just laughing its kinda frustrating, I don't want to end the friendships but it's not really good for me.
03 05,2021