Who does Joonin end up with? Cain or Yawhi. I’m rooting for Yawhi just because I don’t trust Cain. At least now we know that Yawhi does actually like Joonin. But Cain just popped up talking about master? idk man. But please spoil it for me

Lol I don't know why you sus of Cain. He is a sweetheart but anyway I respect your opinion. Also It's obvious that Yahwi gonna be the end game.
Gain was used in the story just to make Yahwi realise his feelings for Jooin because if Yahwi didn't feel that Jooin is getting out of his hand, he would've never realize that he "wants" Jooin. Also the thought of Jooin with another guy angers him cause he feels that he is the only one that should be with him. In another word. He is obsessive

Yah his story was never explained but as you can see. (If you never noticed) as if they were reincarnated . Cain was a dog and Yahwi is like a cat, Jooin a squirrel anyway . Cain doesn't know what to do to make Jooin like him as you can see how Jooin is and I think Jooin will never believe him even if he tells him the truth.

I wish they would communicate. I know they will make up, they always do. But the fact that Kang moo was going to apologize and Kirin just slaps him is so sad.

I don't care, ofc I do but that doesn't excuse his actions? "he's a psychopath it's ok that he murdered" nah bro. AND YES HE DID. Krinin was obviously saying no when they were having sex, at that point it is RAPE. Wow yknow the best place to makeup after a potentially traumatizing situation? the shower. while Krinin is kinda vulnerable. and naked. dude, he grabbed onto his waist he didn't wanna "just make up". admit that what he did was bad and move on
is jake the fbi or something?? what is he hiding from shin?
He works for the feds he’s hiding it cuz the more people that know the more it could get out he’s trying to take down the mercifuls from the inside