The plot thickens...I want more drama
Is it just me or Hosu's personality kind of turned bland when he started having feelings for Eseo?
Why are we giving them attention?
Someone tell the author that a cockroach got in to their safe space account
I find it funny that she keeps replying to some of the illegal readers tweets when she is on private
you all in the blacklist?
I agree, most people are dumb you know someone would go all their way to the author's Twitter account just to say they will stop supporting them and when asked with proof of purchase they would suddenly go on private lol, and the people who @ the authors. I wonder what type of shit goes through their minds
It taste like nothing. Maybe, I should eat more fruits
Please, leave your credit card info so I can buy them all [EDIT: BLURRED IT OUT I'VE GONE UNDERCOVER NOW I DON'T WANNA GET EXPOSED
I don't get people who decide to read a story with a psychology genre even though they are not into the genre and then whineb like a 5-year-old when they didn't like it about what was wrong and was what... I mean, it's obviously for adults who have a mature mind and understand the plot.
What's the point with the activity settings if it doesn't hide your want to read/already read/reading?
26 06,2021
BDSM list?
I am actually an anime girl irl, it's a rare genetic disease, my dad is a weeb and my mom is hatsune miku. Ever since I was young people always teased me over my 2d look, saying stuff like it's not normal, but I don't care because I know there are enough people that fap to me ;3.
Please, leave your credit card info so I can buy them all [EDIT: BLURRED IT OUT I'VE GONE UNDERCOVER NOW I DON'T WANNA GET EXPOSED