Does anyone have the raws for this??

This is what I got

Am I then only one who doesn't give two shits about the side couple

The author is only bringing the side couple bc the chinese audience love it more. We are literally reading this off an illegal site the author cant see any westerns complains. deal w it. This manga is made for a chinese audience and guess what, they effin LOVE the side couple! obviously theyre gonna keep bringing them back.

Girl so what it's illegal that's just how the fucking feel yall act like where going to get arrested for being on this site and have a problem stating how they feel about a fing story so what China stories do it their own way that doesn't matter I don't like the side couple bitch that's all anybody with common sense know the author isn't going to change their story for nobody especially not some Randoms from a comment section somewhere acting like people are slow from stating their opinion about a story then you guys want to chastise someone for being on this website but in the same breath using the same website like hoe I know I'm on a illegal website so should everyone else ughhh u ain't nobodys momma sooo u ain't saying shit and I see these type of comments all the time their annoying tell me something I don't know

first of all im not bringing anyone down for using this site. And you might find it annoying that everyone says “well obv the author blah blah” and guess what! i find ppl hating on the side couple very annoying. Now idk why you got so damn aggressive calling me bitch and saying im nobodies mama. Mf im not trying to be yo momma i can say what i want to. I didnt tell you “EW U USE AN ILLEGAL SITE.”
i know you do I USE IT, which is why i find it annoying when so much ppl complain abt stories not being the way THEY want it. Bc i know that since i use it i dont have a say in what the author should do. And i said this replying to ur comment bc there are other comments that are sending hate and threats on this damn very site to the author. Idk what caused you to call me a fucking bitch ?? calm your nerves down. You cant get mad at me for finding the same repetive “i hate the side couple” comments annoying when u just told me you hate comments that try and “defend”
them aka my comments. You can say its annoying but idk where that nasty attitude came from to calling me a whole bitch for it. I didnt say not a mean word to you lol i just explained you WHY the side couple is more favorable.

Because I can say bitch hoe same reason I called u a hoe and same reason I commented on ur shit cause I CAN . That person wasnt making no fucking death threats BITCH pls go say that to the person who actually being rude about it the person u said ur dumb ass shit to ain't say nothing but hey I don't really like the side SHITTY couple not hey I think author should change the story or go die in hole if they don't ur wack and need to shut ur Karen headass up trying to check somebody... we ain't new to this we true to this like TF I said tell me something I don't knowwww!! we don't care If side couple is more "favorable" personality that's how I am with manga ,anime, tv series anyways but that's just how they feel and u trying sit there and say suck it up like hoee u trying to be bitter nasty well I'm just straight bitter I said what i said u don't gotta be on someone gril fact checking them like YEA WE KNOW we ain't paying and we know other people read these stories very aware author isn't changing stories for any Randoms on illegal website
The story is adorable but the dicks are scary