Goddammit idk why it's always scenes like these that make me wanna slap them. And like a reaaaaally good brain stopping bitch slap. And if it had that effect, it'd be hilarious because in fighting culture, a punch is supposed to be an invitation to the fight but a slap is just disrespectful. Like I can tell that the update is gonna he one of them getting hurt and that vulnerability bringing them closer but this bully needs his balls castrated and force-fed to him (▰˘◡˘▰)
I'm pulling another highly inaccurate guess again. But I'm gonna say that the demon lord is an actual love interest. And since it's expected that the demon lord is stronger than her, it's her love interest?!? Im gonna pull and even worse guess, and say that he's hiding in plain sight among those at the academy just like how she tried to do. Boom. Bad foreshadowing complete(● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Oohhhh!! I actually like this! Since i dont find the prince as her actual love interest and he's nothing special for now.
OR DOES HE LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE AS THE DEMON LORD?? LMAO I'M SORRY. These bad guesses are my specialty ( ̄∇ ̄")
HAHAHAHAHHAA THAT PLOT TWIST (≧▽≦) but even if the prince leads a double life, i still don't feel him HAHHA