Okay real quick but the black hair dude that has like gravity power did he switch the way that he fights bc when he fought against the mc he was like using a lot of gravity trying to pin down the mc but now it looks like he has some wind power idk

I think his fighting style became much more into focused attacks rather than just recklessly pinning his opponents down coz he learned the hard way that it doesn't work all the time.
Basically he now uses his ability to make a force field that will act as a shield, since its gravity it must've worked as a medium to make the attacks directed towards him lost momentum as it enters the area, like that infinity thing gojo does. His attacks are still pretty much about just crushing his opponents but unlike before he doesn't do it in a reackless massive scale now that affects a big area, he directs it to his opponents that makes the attack's concentration heavier making the bone crushing more satisfying
Dang i feel bad for the ml :(