i'm dropping it i'm sure a lot of people are gonna like this webtoon
but i gotta tell i find it a bit boring and slow paced
but its not bad its just not my style

I've seen webtoons where a lot has happened in only 11chapters it's not abnormal for them to expect more from this webtoon and I also agree with this person because even though the ml has realized his feelings, character development is really slow and so is the progression of their relationship and it also feels very scripted but I'm not dropping it because it's still a bit interesting. But just because their expectations aren't the same as yours doesn't make it okay for you to curse at them, you could've phrased it a bit better.

that was not what I meant when I said their relationship is progressing slowly. I meant that in most of the webtoons I've read the leads have more aspects to their relationship whether it be friends, family, or interests by the 11th chapter but these characters barely know each other at all outside of school. Other than the fl helping him make friends they have no other purpose to see each other and hang out at all. Progression in a relationship isn't just about skinship. ( ̄へ ̄)

I'm actually not into this because I think it's too fast paced. The issue with the love rival was taken care of in a few chapters, like this chick made it such a big deal but caved as soon as the class president told her just a few words. How pretty much nothing interesting happens except for the typical going to school with minor and unimportant dialogue, but for plot reasons the FL does make instant friends with everyone just because they all think she's cute, so now the whole premise of making friends is also taken care of instantly. I'm also not into the flow of the story with how we jump into one scene and the other with any exposition