This manga left me feeling angry and depressed in a very real way that I haven't felt towards a literal piece of fiction in a long time.
Most of the time, when you read a manga, it's very straightforward who the bad guy is. A lot of main characters in yaoi, ukes and semes alike, are selfish, or rude, or even abusive, but the author still tries to give them some redeeming qualities or a sob story, so that you still end up begrudgingly accepting the couple's eventual happy ending. The trope of a past "ugly duckling" getting revenge on their former bully but eventually falling in love with them is certainly nothing new in yaoi.
But what separates this work from other similar ones is the lack of predictability. What I liked (and hated) about it was how bitterly realistic it is. In real life, horrible people stay horrible and it's not possible to forgive someone who utterly crushed your mind and spirit for so long in the span of 5 chapters.
Even though I actively understand it's perfectly logical for tsukasa to turn out to be just as manipulative and cruel as ever, I still despised him deeply. I can usually find some way to connect with even the most flawed characters, but his overwhelming apathy disgusts me. Shuu is no storybook underdog hero either, but I can't help but pity him immensely. To be trapped in such a state of resentment and an ingrained sense of powerlessness in the fact of his old tormentor, along with a new twisted feeling of attachment and desperation, must be psychologically excruciating.
What makes it even worse, just to finish top everything else off, is that despite absolutely everything, I still somehow rooted for their relationship. I wanted Tsukasa to grow remorseful, seek forgiveness and become a better person after he started to care for Shuu, I wanted Shuu to finally break free of Tsukasa's emotional hold on him and get his long-desired revenge not by petty backstabbing but letting go of his issues altogether.
This is the most reluctant 5 stars I've ever given a manga. Why 5, and not 1 or 2, you ask, when it clearly put me in such a foul mood? Because all art has one single purpose that gauges its true worth, and that is its ability to make the viewer feel something. It's not like the author tried to craft a twisted but ultimately uplifting narrative and simply failed at getting the second part across, though that little bit of Tsukasa showing slight affection at the end might imply that. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's going to be no sequel because that wasn't her point. The ending is ambiguous and leaves you with a gut feeling of eventual disaster despite some unexpected positives, which is what most toxic relationships embody.
I believe the author conveyed the message exactly as she intended: human beings are inherently self-destructive, the past always comes back to haunt us, and no matter how much we delude ourselves into thinking people or our own selves are differently, we aren't really - all of which fucking sucks, but isn't any less true.

Reading this helped me to assimilate the bitter ending it had, such a great reflection.
And no wonder as soon as I read this manga it filled me with anxious and expectations for the next chapter but at the same time I agree with you that it doesn't really need any more.
Again, such a perfect way to show us that relationships between people aren't really that simple and all of us have flaws no matter what

I don't agree with all the hate towards Keichii on how he's the one that did wrong and Shingo is being gaslighted or made to feel insecure. If you read the whole series through, you'll see that Keichii has chased Shingo over and over whenever he tries to run away. I guess at this point it was the final straw and Keichii kind of just lost hope that he could ever get Shingo to trust him properly, so it was out of love that he decided to let him go (even then, he did still try to ask what was wrong and fix his worries but Shingo just wouldn't say anything).
It's not like Keichii invited Angelo's kiss and he didnt even react - compare that to how Shingo has immediately offered sex to his photographer friend when he was lashing out after the breakup. They both have their flaws, and this is a communication issue, not a case of "he should've known better" for either person. They had to solve the problem together, which they did eventually (Shingo even mentions they had a long discussion about each other's feelings for once and cleared the air 100%).
It was necessary for Shingo to go after Keichii this time or else it would be unfair and it would prove that nothing has really changed, rather than show how much Shingo has blossomed and become less guarded and negative because of this relationship, and that's why this installment in particular was such a turning point.
There are lots of complaints that Keiichi is too overbearing and inconsiderate and forces Shingo to have sex constantly, but while I do agree he's can be a bit much, I don't think Shingo really minds. He's said himself multiple times that he just acts tsundere whenever Keiichi is suuuper affectionate but he's actually "happy no matter what Keiichi gives/does to him". At heart, Shingo is needy and sensitive and really likes receiving a lot of attention, which Keiichi knows himself. At times when Keiichi has gone way too far and Shingo has seriously protested or even cried, he has stopped, apologised and comforted him.
Idk, I feel like both of the characters are just misunderstood because the way they act doesn't always match the way they think and feel but Keiichi is one of my favourite semes and I think he deserves more credit than he gets.

I mostly agree with you. But we are never told why Kagami was so set to work Angelo? Spending nights out with him, and following him and leaving Shingo behind for work. He is rich and doesnt need the money. Why choose work over his partner? If my partner had the choice to stop working with someone thats trying to sleep with him, but still continues to work with him. I would be pissed. Theres a lack of respect on both their parts. Nothing was really resolved at the end.

the atmosphere of this manga is just so mesmerising, seriously. i agree this sudden plot twist is out of the blue and the plot/characters arent as fleshed out as they could be, but...idk, the art just makes me forget about everything else.
as an artist myself, i really enjoy looking at each page and all the elegant details and linework. the author is great at creating a kind of dreamy, mysterious vibe. reminds me of things like twilight, black tea, white roses and slow trance music

FINALLY a 15 year old who actually looks 15 instead of a 24 year old in a middle school uniform.

Maybe that’s where you from there’s always people who I know from my school like in every class there’s always some student that is shorter and looks younger than their age. i lived in Asia and now I’m in America so I can pretty much say there are students that have small body and younger face than their age.

they're both sooo cute and even tho they bothhave their flaws and insecurities they dont let minor issues drag into huge conflicts like most yaoi couples bc they try their best to be open and honest about their feelings with each other. u can tell they love each other so much uwu this has become one of my faves!
i'll scream if we have to go through 5 chapters of easily resolvable misunderstandings and the seme being aggressive and cold to the uke but gets forgiven in the end bc he didnt know how to deal with his fEeLiNgS
Wow. That was a lot in 39 words and one number