yaoitrash asked a question

Bj Alex was my first with that type of plot I would like to ask for recommendations with that same o similar type of plot where any of the ML are live streamers lol
I would really appreciate it (●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰

yaoitrash followed a goer

I want freedom from my yaoi addiction

13 04,2024
yaoitrash answered question about question
I created my account back in 2017 so... 8 years now lmao its been a ride. Tbh I used to be a more active user back in my late teens and once started working and graduated college, I've had less time to read or follow a particular series. I mostly consume yaoi and shounen manga and both include action just in different settings lol (I'm cringe look ......
yaoitrash followed question about question

I stalk other users for some fresh content since the main page isn't really doing anything for me rn which is why I stumbled on some random account. Anyway, I noticed that this user has had the account since 2014, I have to admire the dedication since that account is still active. I created mine a few months after the pandemic started, so just abou......

13 04,2024
yaoitrash asked a question

Are there any mangas or manhwas about an omega being a single parent? Any reccs would be very much appreciated