Janie April 6, 2020 2:15 pm

"Tiara...thats not the only thing I'm upset about"
Aqua says that like Keith has...coRoNaViRUs
I wheezed at this whole chapter cause WHEW

Janie April 4, 2020 5:49 pm

Chitra really out there stomping on her enemies now
Literally savage!! And ahhh Tornian really fell hard too

Janie April 4, 2020 1:04 am

Soooo i came here from a recommendation under A Returner's Magic Should Be Special and this did NOT disappoint
I couldn't stop smiling because of how quickly (subjectively) Sung grew! All that's left is a reunion with Sung and his dad, cause WHEW that'll be fun!!
Hopefully the author has a good rest until the start of s2!

Janie April 2, 2020 1:04 pm

That girl really had it coming for her, esp when she slipped up !! I was like "fire Leslie" the whole time hehe
ALSO I love how Leslie feels so comfortable with Konrad and he feels the same, they have such a nice friendship!

Janie April 2, 2020 12:40 am

Lippe's got something up her sleeve :)
The Brunziels are gonna get a run for their money now!
But I hope the kids are ok tho :(

Janie April 1, 2020 2:21 pm

I'm so surprised he decided to do something about her! Good riddance to her (public execution is what she deserves)!

Janie March 31, 2020 2:51 pm

Taekyung for once saw what he wanted after so long and it makes me sad bc I want him to have happiness soon :(

    Anonymous March 31, 2020 3:15 pm

    Not tryna be salty, but seriously asking, did Taku have ever be unhappy? :)) if he's unhappy, and wanted to be happy sb then why he came between these two people relationship in the first place? :))

    Analdaddy March 31, 2020 3:46 pm
    Not tryna be salty, but seriously asking, did Taku have ever be unhappy? :)) if he's unhappy, and wanted to be happy sb then why he came between these two people relationship in the first place? :)) Anonymous

    Why did he come in between their relationship? I think it’s because you forgot it was toxic sis. Smhhhhhh and Joowon is also manipulative, don’t forget all of that just because he has a handsome face okay sis?

    Alice March 31, 2020 3:51 pm
    Why did he come in between their relationship? I think it’s because you forgot it was toxic sis. Smhhhhhh and Joowon is also manipulative, don’t forget all of that just because he has a handsome face okay s... Analdaddy

    Oh and here I thought it was because he met Haesoo in bookstore and then read his novels and then discovered the infamous step bro is Choi Joowon.
    Yeah, yeah Joowon is the biggest manipulator in the whole story *rolling eyes*

    Anonymous March 31, 2020 3:53 pm
    Why did he come in between their relationship? I think it’s because you forgot it was toxic sis. Smhhhhhh and Joowon is also manipulative, don’t forget all of that just because he has a handsome face okay s... Analdaddy

    No, I mean he's sure know that he'll be unhappy/hurt if he comes between them two, then he should deal with the consequences. I think he's even happier (or at least problem free) before :) if what he looks forward is happiness, then he came to wrong place :)

    Janie March 31, 2020 8:58 pm
    No, I mean he's sure know that he'll be unhappy/hurt if he comes between them two, then he should deal with the consequences. I think he's even happier (or at least problem free) before :) if what he looks forw... Anonymous

    He didn't know that before because it was just stories in a column, no need to get y'alls panties in a bunch pLeAsE

    Alice March 31, 2020 9:11 pm
    He didn't know that before because it was just stories in a column, no need to get y'alls panties in a bunch pLeAsE Janie

    He was nearly sure of the all thing already in chapter 19. So I would say rather early in the story.

    Janie March 31, 2020 10:23 pm
    He was nearly sure of the all thing already in chapter 19. So I would say rather early in the story. Alice

    Ah the key words here are "nearly sure"
    I haven't looked that far into it I was just a bit shocked at how things are going ... but yea sorry if I'm misinterpreting or smth cause i didn't think this comment would stir stuff up :/

    Anonymous March 31, 2020 11:41 pm
    Ah the key words here are "nearly sure" I haven't looked that far into it I was just a bit shocked at how things are going ... but yea sorry if I'm misinterpreting or smth cause i didn't think this comment woul... Janie

    Okay, it's NeArLy sure or whatever.
    But it's fact that he did come to this on his own will. Because he's intrigued.

    Janie April 1, 2020 2:48 am
    Okay, it's NeArLy sure or whatever.But it's fact that he did come to this on his own will. Because he's intrigued. Anonymous

    Only because he didn't really have a true interest in things like his teacher was referencing?? I don't think he meant to stir up trouble but it's like now he's actually found something/someone to work towards and stuff but OK SISTERS POP OFF :)))

    It's all gonna go downhill in the end and it sucks to say that despite this small realization nothing is gonna change so :/

    Janie April 1, 2020 2:57 am

    ON TOP OF THIS AS A DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT ONE OF MY MAIN SERIES...and it's not like I'm complaining or anything!!! I like the art style and I started reading this LAST YEAR (March 14, 2019) and I do NOT remember all the nitty gritty details that tie into things now. I only wanted to make a statement as a REACTION not an ANALYSIS like the other comments underneath mine are stating. Make another comment and or go and find somewhere else to post, cause from what I can tell y'all are still babies here and could do some exploring :))) or jump into other dramas to analyze characters, cause i didn't realize that's what we were doing here

    Anonymous April 1, 2020 7:26 am
    Only because he didn't really have a true interest in things like his teacher was referencing?? I don't think he meant to stir up trouble but it's like now he's actually found something/someone to work towards ... Janie

    I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you Sis :") we just have different thought and it seems you don't get mine. It's alright, I don't blame Taku for coming into their relationship, I don't think he was there to stir their relationship either :")
    I just wanna say, that if there're people who deserve more to get happiness in the end it's Haesoo and Joowon, ofc Taku deserves it too (we all deserve happiness). Bcs, before entering their relationship, Taku is happier, I think (altho he didn't have something he's truly interested but at least his love life isn't as stressful as this). But, I think pain is inevitably when you love someone. So, I think it's alright for Taku to feel pain *for once*, don't expect to always happy. As he said, he never got hurt before.

    I supposed to mean my first reply as sarcasm but you took it seriously then :)) I'm sorry :)

    Alice April 1, 2020 9:19 am
    ON TOP OF THIS AS A DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT ONE OF MY MAIN SERIES...and it's not like I'm complaining or anything!!! I like the art style and I started reading this LAST YEAR (March 14, 2019) and I do NOT rememb... Janie

    We are babies because we like to analyze things... Pff seems legit

Janie March 31, 2020 2:49 pm

I can't help but feel and for Joowon but it's definitely messed up ... the whole thing in general haha
Also the ring costs more than my life!!! Hell of an expensive piece of jewelry...

Janie March 29, 2020 1:53 am

I'm honestly laughing at:
1. The weird shape of the dude's dick
2. How unpopular this got fast (6.8: 43.3% 5 star/20.9% 1 star)
3. The fact it's on the home page's popular updates (???)

Janie March 27, 2020 1:16 pm

Is that him?? Cause omg I ship it if it is!! But hildert is also cute lol (is that the right name? It's been a while lol)
* I thought Castillo was stuck up but BOOM to the rescue!! There he comes hehe

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