People are calling MC crazy?? it was literally established that MC gets off of people suffering for him so yeah? They're perfect for each other. They both have abandonment issues so of course they'll be happy when the other goes above and beyond to be with them.
The abuse wasn't magically forgiven, it's still very vivid and painful for both of them. But instead of crying for 10 chapters, they're trying to move on from it together. MC finally decided to stop making people get obsessed with him and ML decided to stop testing MC.
They're so toxic they could melt off the ground they're standing on but hey, they're happy at least.

I really want to read but the translation is soo bad bruh I can't even understand what's happening.

First, let's agree to disagree.
If they don't know or understand the language, then they shouldn't translate in the first place. I'd rather not knowing of it's existing than suffering from the bad translation.
I'm tired of accommodating to such thing. You either do a good job, or don't do it at all. I'm 28 y.o and I've been reading online for a decade. It was never this bad. I'm not even kidding, I got migraine a couple of times because of bad translation.
I'm not trying to force my opinion on you. As I said, let's agree to disagree.

Exactly... But all they care about is how fast they can release the chapters not the quality...
Like you said, even if they use translators, like Google or something, they should read it tovsee if it makes sense. I just want them all to stop ruining good reads.... AND FOR PEOPLE TO NOT UPLOAD IT HERE

I rarely get this invested in manga with repetitive formula but this one got me hooked super bad. All of the characters were extremely likable to me, I love how the characters I didn't even like at first became one of my favorites before the chapter even ended. The makeup boy and twin tails girl were my absolute fave of a duo.
This manga is honestly so great, I loved every chapter of it. My only peeve is that we didn't get to see the past of the teacher and the first class got kicked out of the manga fast.

Ikr!! The rape issues sometimes handled badly. Everything about this teacher and his way of teaching is so reasonable in a very good way that it doesn’t feel like it chained you, makes you think it’s something you should do because it’s good. The author is so good at having this one chapter part of the story, and don’t let the issue drag on because it will get resolved with time.
And oh how much I love the part where he explained he doesn’t think the relationship between teacher-student is bad, but it is quite bad. He explained the reason in the most logic and simple way.

Damn, girlie collecting dilfs like stickers.

please do. The FL is very smart and capable. She doesn't become a blushing maiden when the C H I L D male lead shows up, she's still an adult in her mind and she doesn't even consider him dateable. Very rare for a possession manga. She keeps collecting HOT difls and every single one of them have teddy bear persona (huge strong hunk but a cutie pie inside)
It should've ended when MC birthed and they were happy and stuff. Not only this is getting super boring and nonsensical, but the characters are getting worse too. We didn't need another rape scene and no, ''m-maybe I'm into it'' forced line doesn't make it better.
Exactly, now the writer is just throwing out any and everything.
literally. We didn't need nor wanted the story to stretch this long