kris's experience ( All 0 )

kris's answer ( All 5 )

love u too sexy ass mf   reply
21 06,2021
yo random person thank you for comforting me   reply
19 06,2021
i think i was about 7? it was about ghosts or zombies, and deadass i kept thinking about the existence of ghosts and became superstitious. i still am now, and can’t sleep without a nightlight (im sorry im a baby :((() i dont know what the anime was called so mayb ill try searching it up after this   1 reply
16 06,2021
about question
i talked to people today and it wasn’t awkward so yay!!! but for those who aren’t having such a good day, keep your head high ur awesome and ily   reply
15 06,2021
i think my first one was my suho?? (i think thats the name) i just saw it on the front page a year ago when i discovered this website, and read it LOL idk what its about tbh (p sure its smutty tho) because i stopped reading cuz i forgot what chapter i was on and i havent picked it up since. IS IT GOOD YALL??? i mean i think itd a step up from the p......   2 reply
09 06,2021

kris's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did hate myself

24/7 no sleep 4ever in this perpetual state of self deprecation

1 hours
want to do not getting over someone

Im too ace for this

12 hours
did being queer

I’m pan and have know for a long time. And I have a big problem with falling in love with my best friends.

12 hours