no because HOW IS THIS GOING TO WORK OUT !!!!! taeji is going crazy and sooyoung I FEEL LIKE he doesn’t even KNOW he just thinks taeji is a little jelly is all NO HE’s literally out there hurting people like u cannot change him
NO FR LIKE HOWWWWW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO WORK OUT if we compare this to the show "YOU", joe would be jihwan and brown hair would be beck, like brown hair would start sobbing crying screaming if he found out all the things jihwan did scared jihwan will kill brown hair at the end lmfao
idk how to feel abt her like in the beginning i thought oh hey she’s not that bad but now irs just irritating seeing her be swung around and barely resisting??? like i get she’s a healer but bro!!!! R U OBLIVIOUS
go get ur puppy girly