I oscillate frequently between the states:
1) All flavors and sizes of BL
2) fluffy straight romances (..I'm weak for the isekai , but also simp for stories with cool af Female leads)
Recently resparked joy from cool/action mangas, so may descend further down that rabbit hole
Cough, don't mind me lurking on this site prob too frequently. But if not, I'm probably on an AO3 BL kick but will be back shortly for I'm a pendulum consistently oscillating on the BL continuum
shounen-ai ver.
- High
(Rating: 3.5- 5)
May include heavy words and acts
- Mild
(Rating: >2-3.4)
May Include heavy words and threats but did not commit them
- Low
May Include claiming words (you're mine) and jealousy
(Rating 1-2)
Spicy level(how intense the seg scene is)
Highly recommend
Welcome n enjoy ur stay |ω・)و ༉
Only BLs btw!
Eggplant lovers come forward!! (≧ω≦)
= triggers
= more info
Without further ado, let's go catch em huge anacondas!