we can definitely tell the difference between the novel and this manhwa, especially in this chapter. i'm not saying that it's wrong, but it's lacking in terms of the atmosphere or the vibe that you'll get from the actual novel itself. this is just my opinion, so pls don't attack me!! plus, i also think the tension kinda mellowed out here as well. i guess we should also expect this to happen, just hoping that they won't leave a huge chunk of details behind. afaik, and correct me if i'm wrong, but there's a short, friendly interaction between hannah and rosalyn in the novel, right? like for example, hannah calling rosalyn "noona" when they're currently fighting mid-air (?) because she recognized that she's also strong like her or something like that. is it gonna appear later or was it supposed to be in this chapter? that part was very intimate for me, knowing what will follow afterwards lol

I believed it happen last chapter? (119) However it was translated as "This lady is pretty strong". And then Rosalyn says that she is indeed a pretty strong mage. I personally do like the adaptation, I think that the art makes up for the kissing parts, or the parts that have been simplified. The manhwa moves at a breakneck speed, but honestly? So does the novel. It really captures the spirit of Cale saying, finally I can rest! And in the next sentence we skip to next year
wow, i feel overwhelmed and bombarded in this single chapter but i'm not even complaining! i'm starting to get elated knowing what's about to come, it just really hits you hard