The thing i hate abt this part is how they blamed penny. YES, she did drink the poison w her own accord but weren't they suspicious of derrick? Who only stood while his sister was literally POISONED.

I don't know if it's true but from reading the novel a bit I got the idea that Yvonne's manipulation is particularly stronger if you feel guilt. From everyone in the story, Derrick feels the most guilt for losing Yvonne when they were kids, hence why the mirror works so well on him. He is still trash but I don't think it's being weak-minded here.
I remember that them blaming Penelope was also mind control. The prince helped alleviate it by being rational duringtheir discussion of the poisoning, which is how they tuned their attention to Derrick and Yvone afterwards.

No, no I mean for the poisoning.
Their negligent treatment of her when she was a child was due to the curse she has on her, which makes her appear like a villain.
The same curse also transcended worlds and affected her Earth family when she was living in South Korea.
Basically the curse put on her by the race of whose in Yvonne's body made her life shit in both worlds.

It’s not his fault the brainwashing is stronger if you feel guilt and he carries enormous guilt for Yvonne being missing because he was with her when she got lost that’s why the spell is stronger on him believe me I hate his guts too and there are tons of reasons to want his head on a spike but this is not one of them
This ain’t his fault and if he wasn’t brainwashed he wouldn’t have done that