If your man won't cry for you inside of a clothing store, dump him. Ahshhshsh

´༎ Confusionisiscinism´༎ answered question about question
Welcome back ghurl, still weird things is happening but tea's everywhere so better check now.
My past posts, like what kind of thing posts and comment like that.

My parents be caching caching cause I am the smartest and broke child.

Indeed, I think sumthins wrong with my back, It aches Everytime I stand up from a indian sit

Just remember my friend told me that there are big difference between the two, but I would prefer the first choice cause I ain't giving myself to you, you give yourself to me. So erh Have a good day

Anything like
-taking revenge or about babies blahbla

Well if you wanna survive you gotta survive.

´༎ Confusionisiscinism´༎ answered question about question
I fried my donuts and now they taste like fried oil, but yeah, you too have a nice day.