When you initiated first to offer me a bite of your food cause you know I want it but just too shy.

I'll buy a deserted property and leave my parents house so no disappointment on that household anymore.

´༎ Confusionisiscinism´༎ answered question about question
Maybe they are just nice and wanna help you cause they know self isolation sucks or they are planning to butcher you after you gain fat.
We have this very unique local dish that you would only taste atleast once in every 10 years because it's too expensive but it never go away from your buds and the taste just show up when you are just thinking about it.

They said it's painful when you pinch it but nah you cute I'll make it red.

´༎ Confusionisiscinism´༎ answered question about question
Don't think you are a trash, I mean you are a trash but just don't think about it.
I can't stay still while thinking about this, erhm when I was a child I was obsess about mermaids so I search them, see YouTube videos caught on camera mermaids blablha, and now I saw a video again that made me remember my mother told me once that mermaids are real but not how the humans describe them, they are not beautiful at all, but she said th......
Hope the results would be fine, don't worry your life is still long, we ain't dying today.

For my crush actually, gonna use your lines to confess cause I am a coward.

I got no one, It's just that I'll realize later that you are not my crush anymore and I am just bored so yeah, but once I got a crush my feelings will last atleast a year, I'll be loyal and serious about you being my crush.