I've been reading manga for 12-14 years. It started from my friend lending me Blue Exorcist and then finding random apps to read them on. I think I started reading on here since 2016 but I got a new phone so I lost my previous acct. :(
I love to read anything and everything - I tend to rant a lot on some of them so yeah - there’s a lot of that too. I'm a bit unhinged in my comments but I think they're funny to read when I come back to it.
The tags are there because I am a sucker for organization and to remind me why I don't read certain stories. Although I know that these are just stories, some of them are kind of triggering for me (or just not interesting enough) so I "try" to steer clear.
If I follow you, it's most likely because I saw a comment/topic/question/album of yours that I really liked and that's it.
- Author: Chisa otomi
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Smut / School Life Manga School Life
This is like my 4th account on this thing... I keep forgetting my passwords uwuwuwuwuwu AND I like having a clean slate to decorate. <3 IYKYK
ANYWAYS!! I am huge huge fujoshi and I am into ANY kind of shet... seriously any! I am not a big fan of pain so I usually skip it or I have a really scrunched-up face while reading it (like fisting, y'all I look at my hand and I am like FECK NO!!)
I do read yuri sometimes but I'm not a fan tbh
ANNNND I like isekai so much! I'm a hoe for it!
DUDE! So I get emotionally attached A FECKIN LOT and so sometimes, I have to stop reading. Like if I don't, Imma cry - my mental health will suffer.
I hope you visit my albums ESPECIALLY the funny ones. I crack up so much!!! Some of my stuff doesn't have a link because my phone wouldn't let me 'add to album' SHO I just saved them and re-uploaded them! (Legit, I have my slapaho album and I am so excited to fill it up!!!)
I am a pretty old gal so all the young ones are here, I remember when I was your age... The first time I came on here was probably 2015 and I was just a little ole' freshman back in HS. (You can prolly guess my age through that)