What if Arthur maybe ends up.coming across that same drug duke took? And in a desperate attempt of getting stronger he might actually consider taking it.. I really hope that doesn't happen, or they do approach him but he refuses! I don't want to see such a nice friend as him gone but it would make a great arc ngl...

I love the romance aspect in this webtoon. I usually dislike action/shounen tropes that suddenly have romance in them, but I think the author did a fantastic job with this. First of all the setting, from enemies to lovers??? And it's even more fitting, as the novel genre they went to, where the mc found raviel was a romance trope! It's only right for their romance to blossom in the romance novel, no? And you cannot tell me that their romance isn't incredibly beautiful! Both of them are very strong and powerful personas, so they can grow and learn from/with each other and their relationship is just as strong, since they're really confident in their love and the days they spent together, without anyone else ever being able to remember is something truly special and honestly? Soooo romantic!!! And as we can see already with the start of the next season, the main plot will not be overshadowed by the romance aspect!!! I love it!

Anyone noticed the anime/fantasy style background panels when our director here is about to punch the dude. First the blue flames when he gets angry, the fire background behind the fist and then yiyoung in pink/purple with sparkles, our cutie magical girl has come to rescue this tense situation!!! LMFAO

I love the romance part in this.
Hate me for it idc, I usually strongly dislike romance tropes in these kinds of action genres, but I think the relationship between Jiwoo and Jiyoung is really cute and healthy! People are icked about the "age difference" but I'm pretty sure it was no more than 3 years max. I actually believe that she was 19 at the beginning?? Maybe I'm wrong, but i don't think it was like a huge gap. It just seemed like it bc omg adult chairwoman strong woman with high schooler. In this scene though with Jiwoo all dressed up and especially in that panel on the roof, he suddenly seemed all grown up and mature?? I feel like in that panel it actually seemed like Jiyoung was suddenly the younger, more insecure one and not Jiwoo. I love this subtle growth in their relationship!
The end was .. omg
It broke me
I have no other words to describe what I'm feeling rn I can't
This was so short but beautiful and heartbreaking in the most beautiful way
Stories like this make me crave such kind of love in real life