Y’all need to decrease a little bit of this sasya hate bc I feel like it’s directed wrongly in a certain way. Cause y’all stay on some after everything he’s done for you blah blah blah and what you’re really referring to is karel taking him off the street and giving him a better life. Idk why I feel like some of you are really on that savior complex or whatever that thing is called where like somebody basically “saved” you so now you feel like you’re indebted to them. Like just bc he’s helped you bc you were like homeless on the street and stuff doesn’t mean you owe him everything in your life. Like Idk I feel like you guys hate on sasya more bc of the fact that like he was homeless and basically nothing without Karel and then Karel helped him So y’all believe that he has to basically abandon his whole lifestyle, dreams, passions. Like honestly the only thing I see terrible that Karel has faced was honestly Jail after that nothing. Cause yeah it’s cruel when your lover abandoned you etc. but I can’t really have sympathy that much when I haven’t even seen sasya’s POV but I’m finally getting it now so yay :)