Kai July 15, 2021 12:48 pm

So, one of the MC's of a book I'm writing is a male culinary student. I just wanted to know what would it take to make him attractive to women audience but he will remain oblivious to his popularity.

Basically I wanted to know what would look sexy for an oblivious long haired chef. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Barobagel123 July 15, 2021 12:57 pm

    Long hair is just
    And you should make him tanned skinned hmm what elsee, (seriously thinking here) glasses and piercings (ear ones)

    Kai July 15, 2021 12:59 pm
    Long hair is just And you should make him tanned skinned hmm what elsee, (seriously thinking here) glasses and piercings (ear ones) Barobagel123


    Where's my medal? July 15, 2021 2:28 pm

    Being a good cook already makes him attractive.

Kai July 12, 2021 1:12 pm

Hey! a high school student here. I have a very important question to ask about how you chose your job or major. My sister has to submit her applications soon but her choice of subject is still uncertain.

So, how did you choose what you wanted? And how do you feel after experiencing your choices?

I'm certain that I'm personally interested in business but seeing things from my sister's perspective really got me thinking about my future.

Honestly, the girl's an emotional wreck. She's way easily swayed by her momentary feelings that she can be said to be reckless. But, her stubbornness to never learn really leaves me baffled. Like dude you're already stupid, living a normal life should be hard enough.

But how can you do that when you keep crying at every problem you encounter?

Anyways, I will try my best to help her while I can.

Back to the topic, I feel I may regret my decisions and have this vague feeling that I will face a lot of problems on my path. My choice was to definitely go abroad to a prestigious business university.

But then I thought, What after that? Joining such universities will definitely pressure me with stuff like scholarships and student loans weighing down on my consciousness but that is definitely a problem I must face as an independent young adult.

But after college, it's employment. Practically speaking, according to me its school to college to job to family building to retirement and then it's the end.

It's just a general view on the basics but somehow it makes me unsatisfied. I know that these seemingly simple tasks are actually very tough in real life, but passing away thinking that I did something that almost every other person did doesn't make me feel satisfied.

Maybe it will be different in someways but the feeling of life as a structured plan really upsets me for some unknown reason.

I'm sorry for the long rant, but please reply about how you made your choices! I feel lost as of right now so I would really appreciate your wise advices!

    greysie July 12, 2021 1:18 pm

    I'm in college and graduating next year, til now i don't know what i want and want to do with my life in the future. My parents suggested this course for me but honestly, i still dont have the heart for it. You're lucky u know what you want and i think u should go with that. Not many people have something theyre passionate about or at least want something in life. You dont have to follow the usual path tho. Try new things, or if u dont wsnt to get married or have children u dont have to. You're the author of your own life. Dont let anyone write it for you

    vaneella July 12, 2021 1:39 pm

    Hi! I've graduated from uni and been working for more than 2 years now.

    I think most of national education systems do poor job at giving students idea about their possible future paths. If you're a HS student how could you be so sure you want to study this subject for 4 years straight? How if it turns out it's not something you enjoy? How if it makes you feel pressured instead?

    Not a lot of students know for sure what they want. This especially true if they're used to accepting what their parents decided for them. Moreover, uni is definitely not for everyone, no matter how good the prospect after graduating is. Maybe your sister is one of the case: undecided, don't have any clear interest or hobbies, but that's okay. That's part of the process. Don't get involved too much if you get irritated by her, it's something she must go through.

    One day you'll be independent. You will receive no money from your parents, and you have to make money somehow. What you can do? The easiest thing is to get a qualification needed for a stable job: a degree. "But college sounds boring, and I don't want to do a desk job!" "A lot of jobs don't need degree nowadays!" But a lot of job still do, and it sets you apart from those without. Think of college degree as an insurance: after graduation, you're free to get whatever job you want. But when economy is slow, and job market more competitive than ever, you'll feel thankful for that degree.

    Also this might be obvious but you don't need to work on jobs that are linear to your major. A college degree is that: a means of security. It's not something that will define your life, but it's better prepared than not.

    melon T-T July 12, 2021 1:43 pm

    honestly when you start college it isnt really a big deal if you stay undecided, you can focus on you ge's first and that would prolly give you enough time to decide. and i felt this way too before graduating highschool, during my junior year i just thought that life is going to be such a burden. college, work then what? but then i kinda realized that my why of thinking was plain, and that i didnt really have any real ambitions or goals, yk the basic get a job and then build a family thats what i thought i wanted... but theres so many options you dont need to have a set plan of what you want... also for studying aboard you can still do that, you can apply for exchange programs, i think thats easier than fully studying aboard.. i feel like business would be a good major for you, you can build connections and depending on your future career i think you would have more freedom.. dont be scared of being independent, theres a lot of responsibility, but you can learn more (i hoped this help!)

    BurntToast July 12, 2021 1:58 pm

    Hey there! I’ll be a college freshman this year and to answer your question, my major is.. undecided! I like to think I have all the time in the world to figure out what I truly like, because who says we have to accomplish something by a given period? For this semester, I chose to take interesting classes so I can dabble into different topics and see if the subject suits me. If you’re having second thoughts about business, take a career class, it’ll introduce you to a variety of different majors/jobs you probably havent heard of!

    migs July 12, 2021 2:46 pm

    I totally get this feeling! Not the older sister part, but the feeling of uncertainness and not knowing what you will tackle or how you will even be able to handle it in the future has given me a lot of stress. I am still in college- a junior as of this year, so I have not really gone out into the real world yet... As a matter of fact, with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, I have been overly reliant upon my parents to help me do things that were very hard up until now. This summer, I got a part-time job working as a cashier, and it has helped me with that anxiety and those nasty thoughts a lot. Here is what my mom told me:

    Anxiety can turn into an enemy if you let it, but it can also be your strongest tool and weapon. Anxiety lets you know when you are in danger. As teenagers and young adults, many of us have had the luxury of support from our parents up until now and are lacking in the essential skills and experience that we need to stand on our own.

    The anxiety I felt (and still feel) and the anxiety you feel are likely very similar here; I was anxious, because I knew that I did not know how to take care of myself. So my advice to you is to start gaining experience and real-world skills; not trigonometry or how to write a perfect essay (though these are necessary for certain jobs), but those essential skills to living on your own such as managing your savings, knowing how to cook yourself basic and healthy meals, knowing how to keep your living space clean... For matters of employment, start getting experience on your resume- start by writing a resume if you do not have one. Build the skills that will help you market yourself to people, put money aside for your future, get a Roth IRA, build up your credit score, and start becoming more independent now, rather than just assuming you will learn everything when you go to college, (that is what I did) which rather feels like just letting yourself get pushed off a cliff. Getting these experiences will help you work towards being an independent and confident person in the future, which will make you more confident in the present, too. While you will face a lot of problems in the future, you will have built yourself a solid foundation so that even when times do get tough, you will still be able to stand on your own.

    The experiences you gain as you get different jobs now, will also help inform you about what you want for the future. For example, I am working as a cashier at the moment. From this experience I know I need a job where I can be moving around. I also know that I am good at customer service and pushing buttons, but also that I have trouble taking space for myself. Do you like sitting in a chair all day, crunching numbers? What about problem-solving, mathematics, books, do you like interacting with lots of new people on a daily basis or is that overwhelming to you? Be it a job, volunteer experience, or something else, these experiences will help inform you about what types of environments you like best and what things you want to avoid. From this, you will be able to slowly begin narrowing down what you want to be doing in the future (make sure to try things you have never done before! You never know what may end up changing your life)

    As for knowing what you want your college major to be and what you want your future job to be, it is definitely important to consider money and you are right to question what you want, because college is a big investment to make for yourself. My sister went to a very prestigious and expensive university for computer engineering. Due to the monetary investment being so high, regardless of whether or not she decided she still wanted to major in computer engineering, she had to follow through with her choice if she wanted to pay off her debts. She did have the option to go to another less expensive but still very good university where she would have the option to change her path, if she wanted, but she chose not to do that. This seems to be similar to the college choice you are trying to make. All I can say here is choose carefully and make sure you fully understand all of the options available to you.

    Something you may want to consider is taking a gap year! Going abroad before making a college choice could be a great way of getting a taste of what it would be like to be in an unfamiliar environment and away from your family for a year. Meeting new people, going places, exploring, trying new things, are all really important parts of growing up and you can gain tons of really valuable and amazing experiences in the process! If you are anxious about feeling boxed in, then start making a list of all the things you are curious about and want to try in life. What do you think you would regret not doing if you went straight into college? Figure out how to get those experiences and do them. After you do them, learn from them. Even if something turns out to be a horrible experience or a disappointment, it is still valuable and something you should be able to learn from.

    As you say, this is an anxiety that everyone feels in their own way when growing up, but that does not mean that your worries are any less significant.

    My response is super long and dense, so I understand if you did not read all of it. I wish you the best, and remember to listen to yourself and your gut feelings and to be proactive when you feel anxious. Finally, rather than thinking about how your life compares to other people's lives, I advise that you look only at your life. Think about what things you love and what things you want to do. Then think about how you plan to do them. For many, school and jobs are just ways to provide for really getting to live their life and do what they love. Even if you lucky and able to get a job you love, do not allow yourself to settle and make sure to remember that that is not all that there is to life. <3

    Kai July 12, 2021 3:41 pm
    I'm in college and graduating next year, til now i don't know what i want and want to do with my life in the future. My parents suggested this course for me but honestly, i still dont have the heart for it. ... greysie

    That was really supportive, thank you very much! I'm still a bit unsure about my subject but I hope I don't regret it too much in the future.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kai July 12, 2021 3:42 pm
    Hi! I've graduated from uni and been working for more than 2 years now.I think most of national education systems do poor job at giving students idea about their possible future paths. If you're a HS student ho... vaneella

    Thank you! reading your thoughts actually helped me because my parents thinking affected me greatly. I realised their thinking might be a bit narrow-minded but I got a better view now, thank you again!

    Kai July 12, 2021 3:45 pm
    honestly when you start college it isnt really a big deal if you stay undecided, you can focus on you ge's first and that would prolly give you enough time to decide. and i felt this way too before graduating h... melon T-T

    Wow, what a positive mindset! I really appreciate the way you related to me, because I was also having the same attitude until a while ago. And the way you said business major might help me regardless of my future choices really helped me settle down on the subject with anymore hesitation. Thanks a lot!

    Kai July 12, 2021 3:47 pm
    Hey there! I’ll be a college freshman this year and to answer your question, my major is.. undecided! I like to think I have all the time in the world to figure out what I truly like, because who says we have... BurntToast

    I never knew we could go like that! The people around me seemed so decisive about a subject with a clear goal, that I felt ashamed to still hesitate. But knowing that there are various options, I can't bother to think about other people anymore, its my life and trying new things seems exciting! Thank you!

    Kai July 12, 2021 3:56 pm
    I totally get this feeling! Not the older sister part, but the feeling of uncertainness and not knowing what you will tackle or how you will even be able to handle it in the future has given me a lot of stress.... migs

    Not at all! I loved your response! It was deep and really helpful! I especially admire the fact that you are trying to get over your anxiety, Keep up the hard work!

    Experiences are really a huge part of life, and thank you for the wonderful suggestions and advice, it really opened up a new vision for me. Your mom seems wonderful as well, please thank her as well.

    I thought I was the only one feeling this anxiety with the unknown future, thank you again for letting me know I'm not alone. Your sister seems like the responsible type, hope she enjoys her present job!

    The list! the suggestion which literally made my jaw slack, it's such a simple but important thing I ignored. I need to keep my comfort and interests in mind when I choose a life changing decision. Thank you for making me realise this. It was really helpful in in numerous ways.

Kai July 7, 2021 10:31 am

So, in this new novel that I’m writing, the MC is a chef. And my dumbass doesn’t know diverse variety of dishes from around the world.

It would really help if you could name a few local dishes that you love along with the country or city they originate from. And I thank you for your time! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Lilith July 7, 2021 10:38 am

    I am from Thailand Bangkok so I hope I these help you out a bit :)

    Pad Thai
    Lad Na
    Som Tam (Papaya Salad)
    Kai Man Gai

    These are just a few but I am sure google would help you

    Inator July 7, 2021 10:42 am
    I am from Thailand Bangkok so I hope I these help you out a bit :)Pad ThaiLad NaSom Tam (Papaya Salad)Kai Man GaiThese are just a few but I am sure google would help you Lilith


    laur July 7, 2021 10:50 am

    me three besties!! hello :)))

    Lucky ._. July 7, 2021 11:49 am

    Hey there here r a few dishes from India n with their origin state -

    Hyderabadi Biryani : origin- Andhra Pradesh
    Chole bhature : origin- Uttar Pradesh
    Shahi paneer : Origin- Punjab
    Butter naan : Origin- Northern part of India
    Butter chicken : Origin- Punjab
    Masala dosa : Origin- Karnataka

    Sorry I really can't remember many dishes for now, but hope this helps u a bit =D

    mushvrooooom July 7, 2021 11:57 am


    Hyderabadi Biryani (Hyderabad)
    Thukpa (North Eastern India)
    Butter Chicken
    Galouti kabab (Lucknow)
    Dosa (South India)
    Idli (South India)

    The name of the places/cities are in the brackets!

    ItsComfyInMyCloset July 7, 2021 2:02 pm

    Im from the Philippines here are some popular dishes here
    Lechon (Its our national dish hehe)
    Lumpia (present in every occasion, parties, bdays, weddings, you name it)

    Leche Flan (my fave UHGGGG)
    Halo halo
    Maja blanca
    Mais con yelo
    Ube Halaya

    Lilith July 7, 2021 5:15 pm

    Ohh Hey :D

    Kai July 12, 2021 12:51 pm

    wow all of these are very interesting thank you!

Kai July 4, 2021 7:32 am

I was reading T-sensei manga which I found recently, and I happened to come across something similar that reminded me of when I was babysitting my toddler cousins.

It was a family gathering? I don't remember. but my aunt and uncle left their twins at my home with me and my sis and left somewhere with my parents.

The boy is a polite gentleman while his sister screams girl power from her aura alone. So, let's call the boy A and girl B. They are both 3? years old.

B said she wanted to be a make up artist? and A said that he would be her model since he doesn't want her to be alone, so I was like 'Why are you only letting him hog your makeup skills? SPREAD IT TO THE WORLD'.

And somehow I ended up looking like a vengeful ghost with intense red lips. And a picture of me with this face, eating ice cream under the dining table circulated among my family's group chat.

I was hiding my last cup of chocolate ice cream from the brat who already stole my ice cream multiple times. And this ended up somewhere I don't want to remember. (⌒▽⌒)

Kai July 2, 2021 10:26 am

So, my mom and elder sis were applying this homemade coffee face masks and I was attracted by the mild coffee smell so I asked wt they were doing.

She explained something which went in one ear and out the other, but anyways my mom remembered I was going out 2moro to meet my new classmates.

The new kids in my class organised this meet up since all the classes were online. As a bonafide introvert I was gonna politely reject the invitation and all, but my bff decided that he must kidnap me with the help of my parents. SO I CANT ESCAPE THIS OUTING.

my mom told me to try the coffee stuff because I was at home like for a year and a half with poor hygiene maintenance so I was like 'why not?'



once winter now spring,
flowers blooming to your gentle touch.
We were once young and wild now mellow and soft,
only by the hands of yours that blessed us.
Coffee packs and lavender baths,
to touch up the masterpiece.
But never forget that once we all,
were dry and barren winter lands.

Okay that wasn't exactly rhyming but you get the gist right?!



    cocowo July 2, 2021 10:30 am


    Nemuiro July 2, 2021 10:35 am

    XDDDDDDDD I DIDN’T KNOW about that secret either. Now I want perfect skin too ╥﹏╥

    Stranger July 2, 2021 10:41 am

    Hahaha! bro,you are such a funny guy!'torturing ....with rough and poor skin'!lol!

    Sumersunlight July 2, 2021 10:53 am

    Tell us the recipeee ask ur mom we beg you

    Cupid hates me July 2, 2021 10:56 am

    Damn. You must be so proud of your self

    bixbliophile July 2, 2021 11:14 am

    drop the skin care recipe!!

    Kai July 2, 2021 12:03 pm
    Tell us the recipeee ask ur mom we beg you Sumersunlight

    HAHAHA! sure (I asked mom and she told wt I could understand):

    Coffee powder+sugar+coconut oil+rose water+chickpea flour= some brown paste.

    It hurst a bit when you rub it on your skin because it has sugar cubes but it works just fine!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Kai July 2, 2021 12:03 pm
    drop the skin care recipe!! bixbliophile

    Its above but here's ctrl+v:

    HAHAHA! sure (I asked mom and she told wt I could understand):

    Coffee powder+sugar+coconut oil+rose water+chickpea flour= some brown paste.

    It hurst a bit when you rub it on your skin because it has sugar cubes but it works just fine!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Kai July 2, 2021 12:04 pm
    Damn. You must be so proud of your self Cupid hates me

    I am (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kai July 2, 2021 12:04 pm
    Hahaha! bro,you are such a funny guy!'torturing ....with rough and poor skin'!lol! Stranger

    Thx! ┗( T﹏T )┛

    I've never been called funny before!

    Sakuraruu July 2, 2021 2:01 pm

    Lol, came to your homepage to press the follow button, but found this cute story of yours. I can see that you are indeed aspiring writer! You will make a good professional writer one day! Good job.

    Sumersunlight July 2, 2021 5:58 pm
    Its above but here's ctrl+v:HAHAHA! sure (I asked mom and she told wt I could understand):Coffee powder+sugar+coconut oil+rose water+chickpea flour= some brown paste. It hurst a bit when you rub it on your skin... Kai

    This is the first time in my life I have read a recipe I have all the ingredients of. *Bows* this shall be helpful to my fucked up acne skin :') keep it up king

    Kai July 3, 2021 2:26 pm
    Lol, came to your homepage to press the follow button, but found this cute story of yours. I can see that you are indeed aspiring writer! You will make a good professional writer one day! Good job. Sakuraruu

    Thx a lot! ╥﹏╥

    Kai July 3, 2021 2:27 pm
    This is the first time in my life I have read a recipe I have all the ingredients of. *Bows* this shall be helpful to my fucked up acne skin :') keep it up king Sumersunlight

    hope it helps! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Cupid hates me July 4, 2021 4:41 am
    Its above but here's ctrl+v:HAHAHA! sure (I asked mom and she told wt I could understand):Coffee powder+sugar+coconut oil+rose water+chickpea flour= some brown paste. It hurst a bit when you rub it on your skin... Kai

    Gonna try this but I am not gonna roughly apply ( can't irritate the skin) cause of the sugar. Hope my acne skin appreciates it a bit :')

    seunghos shlong July 4, 2021 6:27 am
    HAHAHA! sure (I asked mom and she told wt I could understand):Coffee powder+sugar+coconut oil+rose water+chickpea flour= some brown paste. It hurst a bit when you rub it on your skin because it has sugar cubes ... Kai

    thanks, had to follow this comment to wait for the skincare hahahhaha

Kai June 27, 2021 4:21 am

Ok, so this is about my elder sister who is like 1 and a half years elder than me.

Sometimes, she is so annoying that I would gladly let some random occult take her as a sacrifice but the next second I want to keep her right by my side! This feelings are so complicated that sometimes I just want to jump off a cliff! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

DUDE, like I know she's pretty with the thick eyelashes and pouty lips but A STALKER?! does that boy have chicken nuggets for a brain?! Didn't you look past her face?!

I could just list all her bad habits and make a comprehensive essay for 'WHY SHE ISN'T WORTH IT TO STALKERS' IF YOU NEED ME TO.

She's like still 17? and somehow has more trust issues than a business man in a different country. Like, yes, I know you have a lot of fake friends, but have you never thought about why?

It's because you're freaking too trusting and depend on others instead of your own family! I know my parents might not be too openminded and may be conservative in a sense, but what am I? Air? ( ̄へ ̄)

I know I snitched on you multiple times as a kid. My bad.

( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

But I would never have known that my immature actions could lead to you getting hurt by outsiders who aren't even worth your time!


hmmmmmmmmm now how should I continue? Ah, yes.

There was this one time in our childhood that a perverted man touched my sister. No rape or abuse, but he touched her inappropriately during an elevator ride in the apartment where we lived.

I felt so useless as I was frozen in fear. I was around 4 at that time? she was just 5. I remember it so clearly that it felt like just yesterday. I never felt so guilty again in my life as I did that day.

But I'm glad I could grow up from that and took on martial arts to protect her. What is a younger brother if he can't fight for his elder sister?

I was never interested in fighting because I was more inclined towards literary stuff, even when I was a child. but the thought of being helpless again drove me to where I am.

Damn that was the worst day of my life.

Now she's attracting pests again, It's not like I can frankly say 'SIS, STOP BEING ATTRACTIVE, DRESS IN RAGS AND ACT LIKE THE B-WORD.'

But I'm so glad she has to be stuck at home due to the lockdown. She wouldn't be out of my sight and I could rest assured that she isn't hurt.

But I also know that she can't be within my sight forever. One day, she will leave home, get hurt and try to get back up, but I can't be there for her all the time and it hurts a lot.

*sighs* ok enough nagging for today.

    Xinxin June 27, 2021 4:41 am

    Woah you have a big brother complex-

    Neways, shouldn't you just tell her directly and give her advice in a more passive and not aggressive way? That should help if ever there are misunderstandings. Well it's good to worry about your siblings tbh. Good luck bro

    Cupid hates me June 30, 2021 12:23 pm

    Wow...that's a rare attitude for a younger brother. You are more like her elder brother. She is so lucky. Just help her get rid of creeps and stalkers and it should be alright (︶︿︶)

Kai June 19, 2021 4:31 pm

So, it's been a horrible few days. I've been in a Cold War with my sis for like 4 days?

She just woke up one day grump and began fighting like there's no 2moro. So the fight escalated enough to make my mom pissed at both of us so we calmed down but since then we stopped talking.

If that wasn't enough today she made me extremely pissed but I had to control since my dad was also home and he doesn't like us fighting.

I let her borrow my Mac book for her class since her iPad wasn't exactly working at the time. But the audacity this girl has! She went through all my saved passwords and deleted stuff I might never remember! I have very poor memory of passwords! My laptop pass is literally '12345'!




And Idk...........I just felt my privacy was invaded. I don't have any porno or anything illegal on my Mac but it still feels weird and uncomfortable.

I feel very very uneasy when people go through my stuff like my notes in my Mac where I write down my novel stuff or my online accounts where I express myself without feeling awkward.

It just feels like I'm disgusted with myself at some point, so I don't want others to see this disgusting side of me.

I know I'm overthinking and all but I just feel..........suffocated. As an introvert with no-one close enough to completely open up to it just feel like a stress building up inside of me unconsciously.

Ahhhhh, this is making me cry. I can't write more. I don't want to cry near an expired chicken nugget. (/TДT)/

    RosaRoss June 19, 2021 4:34 pm

    Tell your parents what she did. If they don’t do anything change the password to her iPad as revenge.

    zippi June 19, 2021 4:46 pm

    i can feel ur frustration from here. i guess u could first talk to her and let her know what she did was wrong . and if she doesnt understand then just dont give her ur mac next time since its the only thing u can do . and yes u can take revenge by changing or deleting some of her passwords or anything in her ipad or other devices since she did the same without asking you. telling parents wont do any good since they would think you guys just have a small "sibling fight" but i can feel your frustration. and you should ignore her for a couple of days instead of fighting with her and letting her cool down on her own. and from ignoring i mean literary ignoring her existence . but if she crosses lines too much then i guess u can have a nice fight and let it all out .

    Otakuren June 19, 2021 4:47 pm

    Take her iPad and delete her passwords as well. And you're not disgusting. And anyone would feel what you felt after someone would go through their accounts like that.

    Kai June 20, 2021 1:15 pm
    Tell your parents what she did. If they don’t do anything change the password to her iPad as revenge. RosaRoss

    Her Ipad doesn't have a password........ ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
    My parents don't care about our fight unless it annoys them so.......... It's fine!
    Our Cold War ended today! She's just soooo adorable when she's annoyed!
    But I'm glad she initiated the stop of the Cold War since its almost always me!

    Kai June 20, 2021 1:17 pm
    i can feel ur frustration from here. i guess u could first talk to her and let her know what she did was wrong . and if she doesnt understand then just dont give her ur mac next time since its the only thing u ... zippi

    But its fine! Stuff like this is common because of our small age gap! Its annoying, frustrating and painful at times but we always make it up to each other later!

    Kai June 20, 2021 1:18 pm
    Take her iPad and delete her passwords as well. And you're not disgusting. And anyone would feel what you felt after someone would go through their accounts like that. Otakuren

    ┗( T﹏T )┛ Thank you so much! you're a kind soul! And She doesn't save any passwords since her brain has infinite storage capacity but yeah, thanks for the suggestion and though.

    zippi June 20, 2021 2:33 pm

    am glad it worked out in the end!

    Otakuren June 20, 2021 5:53 pm
    ┗( T﹏T )┛ Thank you so much! you're a kind soul! And She doesn't save any passwords since her brain has infinite storage capacity but yeah, thanks for the suggestion and though. Kai

    Take care!

Kai June 15, 2021 10:08 am

So I'm a writer trying to write my first book. It's a western fantasy adventure with elves, dragons and stuff. My problem is that I'm unable to make my female characters more lifelike.

For example, there is this one female solider character. Let's call her V. She's somewhere in between 25 and 30 years old. She was a war orphan taken in and trained by a count to support one of his sons.

I portrayed her character to be cold, loyal and cautious but it feels like she's just a robot at that point. And I can't seem to get complimentary traits to suit her personality.

So are there any ways to make my female characters more alive? like making mistakes or feelings overtaking your decisions kind of thing?

Plz tell me your opinion! I'm a guy so I don't know the complex thinking process of females! #-.-)

    Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ June 15, 2021 10:16 am

    Make her a little vulnerable or give her some cheekiness to add to otherwise overly serious characters. I’m not taking personality gaps, just a little dash of human character.

    Good luck with your story ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    ilikefish June 15, 2021 10:18 am

    maybe try listing her strengths, also include her weaknesses so it balances out her character.
    what's her goal in life? or dream? purpose for the story?

    chæs June 15, 2021 10:20 am

    idk exactly what u meant by "lifelike" but i do have many pet peeves about some female characters that u can maybe avoid¿

    • overly loud and annoying with nothing to give to the plot ( this is so unrealistic¿, there's no substance at all and the women i know who are loud always have some sort of balancing aspect to them )

    • doesn't make mistakes ( don't get me wrong, i love strong female characters, but for it to be close to reality, it would be nice if we can see the character sometimes doubting themselves )

    • man-pleasingly feisty ( again, i love edgy female characters, but some of them are just plain rude to other characters without even any reason? sure, there's people like that, but it's more realistic for them to not care rather than being bitchy af all the time )

    maybe i just listed down what i dislike, it's just my opinion but for a female character to be "lifelike", make sure they have their strengths and weaknesses that only resonate with them ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    _em June 15, 2021 10:22 am

    maybe give her a soft spot for a certain person/thing?

    Somerandomstalker June 15, 2021 10:28 am

    Maybe you could make her have a duality?On the outside she may be cold or harsh,but on the inside she actually feels a little range of complex emotion like shock or entertainment,or you could make her a bit unpredictable.Since you made her loyal,maybe try giving her a trait where even though she is loyal,she tends to enjoy the indifferent actions of her master

    Hope this helped( ̄∇ ̄")

    Livia June 15, 2021 10:29 am

    Well I have not written any books or anything but I have a tendency to imagine many stories all in my head . So if I were to imagine a FL with cold ,loyal and cautious type then instead of directly showing her emotions that sheis not lifeless ,I could have added many scenes where FL 's kindness and emotions could be seen

    Well it's not bad to show a soldier FL an emotion less character bc situation are like that that one is not able to show her emotions and if you were to make a lively character then it would make her look weak and idiotic

    Well you could add some this kind scene that she is the lead of alpha group and she was informed that delta group was captured by enemy and her superior told her to leave it to management and she was like. -" We can never abandon our soldiers and our pride -------" or something like this portraying how she cares about her other fellowmen or you could do something like this that how she always indirectly keep tracks of her teams health and if they are hurt she is like giving them some well how should I say less heavy task or some rest kind of stuffs . Well my grammar and vocabulary is kind of weak so you might find some mistakes

    I do believe that it is not necessary to directly make her show emotions. Well you can also add stuffs like this that seeing her comrade die , she simply closes his/her eyes andgive a moment of silence in his name or make a grave and give humor her a proper burial . Well I would have shown her emotions like this

    後輩じゃない ^_−☆ June 15, 2021 10:34 am

    Hello! I’m a gal in that age range.

    What I’m hearing from her backstory is that she was basically brought up as a tool for someone else. Therefore I assume she wouldn’t have much experience with friendships/relationships and interpersonal skills, especially showing vulnerability.

    If I were her, I would get embarrassed more easily over things others perceive as “normal” (compliments, skinship, casual conversation, receiving gifts, etc) and I would fumble with how to reply to these things.

    A good underlier for cold personalities is a huge emptiness or sadness. People will usually react coldly or in anger to protect themselves because they are actually quite emotionally vulnerable. Maybe she could have moments of emotion, like she gets frustrated and starts crying without realizing, then tries to hide it, and then lashes out at whoever witnessed it, or lashes out at whoever tries to comfort her. As a war orphan, she probably doesn’t know how to accept comfort like that, and you can write about her awkwardness.

    Maybe she’s tired, mentally or physically, but can never show it. So when she’s alone she comforts herself with something seemingly regular and normal (but totally out of character for her), like maybe singing to herself, or picking flowers, or collecting things etc.

    If she’s been trained to be loyal, maybe she’s desperately yearning for attention. Maybe someone can do something nice to her and causes her to smile. Maybe she can blush when praised. Her reactions should be almost opposite to how she acts; that way she’ll seem less like a robot.

    While she is probably way more mature than her age because of her training, there is a lot of life she missed out on, so be sure to portray her reactions to those experiences as an age younger than how she usually acts.

    Just a random thought, what if she sees another female character with braided hair (or something) and she thinks it’s pretty so she tries to do it herself, but it’s not the best, and someone else sees her hair and she immediately gets embarrassed and takes it apart and walks off all angry and cold-like?

    Hope something in there helped

    tsuki June 15, 2021 10:35 am

    consider why you placed her in that role in the first place.

    - how does her past as a war orphan help to shape her current personality/value system?
    - what do her relationships look like? does she abhor the count? the count's son? does he remind her of herself? or does she dislike him because of their presumably different backgrounds?
    - is she being forced into it, or does she genuinely enjoy taking care of the count's kid? does he trust her? does she have any impact on any of the characters at all?
    - what's her ethos? are there values she won't compromise on?

    just don't treat your character as a stationary thing basically lol

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:38 am
    Make her a little vulnerable or give her some cheekiness to add to otherwise overly serious characters. I’m not taking personality gaps, just a little dash of human character.Good luck with your story ٩(๑... Chubbub ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    I agree! She is constantly insecure because of her orphan and commoner status so maybe some occasional dash of cheekiness to make others speechless? The novel itself doesn't have much peaceful scenes, so maybe a cringe joke in between of a battlefield? It somehow makes the battle scenes more interesting.

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:44 am
    maybe try listing her strengths, also include her weaknesses so it balances out her character.what's her goal in life? or dream? purpose for the story? ilikefish

    Weaknesses............maybe an unexpected allergy? or maybe a weak spot for food? what can u suggest gives her more of an 'normal girl' vibe?

    Because in the end, I wanted her to retire and give her the peaceful life she deserves.

    She doesn't have any dreams or goals. She just wanted to be useful and repay them for saving her life, also one of the reasons she isn't close to her subordinates.

    Her main purpose in the story is her knowledge. she provides essentially wise advices because of her tragic past. It helps the MC move on from being stubborn to being more accepting of others opinions.

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:48 am
    idk exactly what u meant by "lifelike" but i do have many pet peeves about some female characters that u can maybe avoid¿• overly loud and annoying with nothing to give to the plot ( this is so unrealistic¿... chæs

    Thanks for the heads up!

    She does have conflicting views, Her desire to protect the people close to her means she has to kill her enemies to keep them safe. But she doesn't want to kill them either.

    I still didn't decide on how to work this situation out, but she would definitely make choices being overly emotional. So she makes the wrong choice, helping her grow further.

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:52 am
    maybe give her a soft spot for a certain person/thing? _em

    She does (▰˘◡˘▰). But it would be revealed in between the story because of her great acting skills! But I don't know to what extent she has to care for that person. Like should she bet her life to save them or should she just try to keep them safe?

    Either over protectively toxic or give that precious person freedom but almost die protecting them?

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:55 am
    Maybe you could make her have a duality?On the outside she may be cold or harsh,but on the inside she actually feels a little range of complex emotion like shock or entertainment,or you could make her a bit unp... Somerandomstalker

    Ah yes! everyone has a sadistic side to them!

    but I made this character to be the wise one, so she doesn't find pleasure in meaningless things like other's pain or others in general.

    But she does have the guilty pleasure of enjoying her master smiling and making mistakes. she helps him in the end anyway, so its like a mother seeing her son grow up?

    If you get what I'm saying.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Kai June 15, 2021 10:59 am
    Well I have not written any books or anything but I have a tendency to imagine many stories all in my head . So if I were to imagine a FL with cold ,loyal and cautious type then instead of directly showing her ... Livia

    'Actions speak more than words.' kind of thing?

    It shows her decision making skills and her emotions very subtly but very convincing. What a practical way to show how she feels! Thank you! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kai June 15, 2021 11:08 am
    Hello! I’m a gal in that age range. What I’m hearing from her backstory is that she was basically brought up as a tool for someone else. Therefore I assume she wouldn’t have much experience with friendshi... 後輩じゃない ^_−☆

    That was very detailed and unique! As a guy thinking about how the simple sight of a girl having braided hair impacts V is quite new to me. Did you study psychology?

    emptiness and sadness, yearning for attention and being awkward at times is something everyone has. but it is cured when people close to you make an effort to care about you. Even my MC is an orphan who suffered through depression, but to put it into words thank you!

    Unfortunately, even though her master cares about her like family, he doesn't know how to express it so she doesn't know he cares. Thanks for the tip to make her more childish! I personally want to see her blush when she realises she behaved immaturely.(/TДT)/

    _em June 15, 2021 11:17 am
    She does (▰˘◡˘▰). But it would be revealed in between the story because of her great acting skills! But I don't know to what extent she has to care for that person. Like should she bet her life to save ... Kai

    from what you've told me, i dont think being overtly protective would suit her personality. instead maybe u could do a scene where the person who she cares about gets hurt and she, like, sort of "bursts". like she gets really angry or emotional or whatever. those scenes are my guilty pleasure, and it'd be a great way to enhance her character.

    Kai June 15, 2021 11:25 am
    consider why you placed her in that role in the first place.- how does her past as a war orphan help to shape her current personality/value system?- what do her relationships look like? does she abhor the count... tsuki

    Um..........Wow. That was deep.

    And I will answer every question you asked! because it helps me sort out what information I have now!

    -Her past plays an important role because her status as a commoner and past orphan makes her insecure. Before she entered the army along with the count's second son, she accommodated others before herself making her seem like a pushover. But in the army she grew strong and confident, at least in the eyes of others. But she just hid her insecurities making her more complex when she makes her decisions.

    -She doesn't abhor the count. She is grateful to him for taking her in. But she never considered them as family, only superiors she shouldn't dissatisfy. Her loneliness and sadness of losing her family were locked away in her heart making her vulnerable and sometimes overly emotional. but those occur very rarely.

    -The count and his family unconditionally trust her, but the same cannot be said the other way. Her complex emotions and insecurities make her cautious towards everyone and cold towards people who reach out to her. Because she doesn't want to lose people close to her again. (But obviously there will be exceptions who wiggled their way into her heart subconsciously, making them her soft spot.)

    -Tremendous impact on the MC. She changes his perspective little by little by shattering his views steadily with her unexpectedly wise advices.

    -She won't kill unless necessary. but that won't last. Her ethics degrade after she is betrayed by one of the people she somewhat trusted.

    Kai June 15, 2021 11:31 am
    from what you've told me, i dont think being overtly protective would suit her personality. instead maybe u could do a scene where the person who she cares about gets hurt and she, like, sort of "bursts". like ... _em

    Yea! seeing her lose her cool composure is very satisfying! thx for ur opinion!

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