chp1 says enough fuck u mean “this is gonna be a tasty meal! eat a taki moss!!” SHUT UP YOU DO NOT SAY THAT AFTER SEEING A MAN BRUTALLY STABBED SMOTHERED IN HIS OWN BLOOD IN THE RAIN ON THE GROUND UNCONSCIOUS. bye guys this is some peak writing yeah
it finally completed on this site lmao i remember having to kill myself through finding raws and translating them for myself just to know what happened
to remove the stupid captcha thing everytime u wanna send a dm..
she is so adorable and innocent honestly i wish nothing bad happens to her!
oh this chapter was the worse i had to endure by far oh my god why is he so uncanny sometimes when hes like puckering and just staring BRO SOTP
its instagram reels bro its the literally the trenches i dont think any religion, ethnicity or beliefs are safe lmaoo (i love reels nonetheless )