I'd have been more interested in this season drama if Jaehyun had ever shown any interest in game development, had any formation related to it, his internship at HiGames had anything to do with the game instead of being a cute mascost who gives gifts to users... before it was suddenly his life dream and he left everything behind to chase it.
For Fenrir, sex is something intimate you do with your mate, and being kind and affectionate with your pack is a normal everyday thing. For Gold, sex can oly be an exchange of power and/or pleasure, but he wishes to have someone who'd treat him with care and gentleness. So Gold doesn't realize he's hurting Fenrir's feelings when they've sex, and Fenrir interprets Gold caring as someting platonic. Both are falling hard for each other, but they're looking for the other one true feelings in the wrong place.
I hope Gold realizes soon he can have both, a loving relationship and monster dick.
Sakura, that book was in the fucking college library!
Did you ever try looking for it? Or did you just spent years thinking wishfully about the book without doing anything, like searching for it in the college database?!