Nobody in Particular v3 September 5, 2023 4:33 am

Y'all are annoying for misinterpreting the story without considering context... Ashtarte and Rion's meeting was lifechanging for the both of them - they each experienced loneliness and deprivation and were able to connect through those feelings. Rion was the one who helped Ashtarte acknowledge her family's cowardice and accept the people closest to her as family. She's still a very sheltered princess but it's not fair to write off the character growth she's experienced. Not to mention, Rion was the first person Ashtarte trusted outside of her immediate retainers/family. He's the only one outside of that circle who gets the first name treatment, and Ashtarte being concerned about his feelings in regard to Isaiah's request makes sense.

    Akki September 5, 2023 5:58 am


    I'm-Shaken September 5, 2023 6:07 am

    I have not read this manhwa, but I'm going to agree with you just because your comment sounds like a based take. I'm gonna check back in a few days (or months, lol, I don't have commitment to OI's) when I catch up to see if i still agree with you.

    mishe September 9, 2023 9:33 pm


Nobody in Particular v3 May 31, 2021 2:06 am

It was a great read, but I'm not a fan of how the story tried to make Shiori and Tora's sister's situations seem...heartwarming? Am I supposed to feel pity for Shiori's parents after they drove her to do what she did? And Tora's sister's entire life was spent taking care of others. Their lifestyles make sense considering the time period they're in, but I wish the mangaka didn't downplay how awful their situations were solely because of their gender.

    remmiiii July 12, 2021 11:07 am

    because it is heartwarming. Wether there was any play of women not being able to do what they do during that time, Tora's sister and his wife specifically wanted a peaceful life with their kids. Everyones situation was awful and ofcourse the mangaka especially didn't downplay the situation of tora's sister chose to take care of CHILDREN AND FAMILY specifically. Idk if you read the story entirely but her job in the town is also serving as a midwife. Her goal was for everyone in the story to realize that children's upbringing is important and that's also why she regret but at the same time know that its a good thing to take apart Tora from their mother. TORA'S sister's whole life wasn't just spent taking care of others. Her mission was always to give importance on why caring for one another is important.

Nobody in Particular v3 May 8, 2021 5:13 am

I enjoyed it up until the part with the twins' issue. Why was Damian the one who had to reach out to Dylan and speak to him when HE was the victim? Dylan wasn't there for Damian when he was literally being accused of a crime. Idk if I'm being sensitive, but that shit is unforgivable. Ruined the rest of the mood of the story for me.

    Manga6299 May 10, 2021 12:46 am

    I thought I was the only one thinking this and the thing with his mom ugh they pissed me off Damian deserves better

Nobody in Particular v3 May 7, 2021 1:55 am

The first 1-8 chapters had an amazing pace and showed proper development. The second last chapter completely rushed through the ending, and the last chapter was just a summary of events. It started out so good, what a shame.

Nobody in Particular v3 April 20, 2021 5:31 am

I just binged this entire story, and I gotta say, world domination/slavery is such a boring motive. You have all this power and THATS what you want to do?

    IWantFood0_ April 20, 2021 11:35 am

    It's like buying an expensive car to compensate insecurities

    Bish April 23, 2021 8:23 am

    Lmao if I had that much power I'd build myself a castle and get the fuck away from humans

Nobody in Particular v3 April 19, 2021 7:14 pm

Lol how did they get so close in the span of 2 chapters?

Nobody in Particular v3 April 19, 2021 6:51 pm

Some of you guys have such a sick mindset towards abusive families...blood doesn't mean SHIT. The things her family did - being physically and emotionally abusive, neglecting her, and just being overall hateful - are irredeemable. The brothers being influenced by the father does NOT excuse them of their actions. They knew what they did was wrong and still did it. A person is allowed to discard their family after being ABUSED by them lmao.

    LEDA April 19, 2021 11:33 pm

    They clearly haven't experienced mental and physical abuse throwout their childhood and still going on lmao.
    Like you can't say "I understand that, but..."... LIKE... NO!!! YOU DON'T!!

    Yeah._.No April 20, 2021 12:53 am

    True, The father should just rot but i think she should give the brothers a chance.

    LEDA April 20, 2021 1:02 am
    True, The father should just rot but i think she should give the brothers a chance. Yeah._.No

    Regarding the father I totally agree.

    But the siblings...... Why would she..? Did they give her one?

    Yeah._.No April 20, 2021 11:41 am
    Regarding the father I totally agree.But the siblings...... Why would she..? Did they give her one? LEDA

    her one what?

    LEDA April 20, 2021 12:01 pm
    her one what? Yeah._.No

    They didn't give her a chance to have a decent childhood and they never cared about her when she was miserable and suffering while she was a sword. Now that she is stronger mentally and physically and financially starting to have a glimpse of happiness, they want to get her back and act like a real brothers??
    When she wanted them they didn't want her, but when she doesn't want them they want her?? NO THANKS

    Yeah._.No April 20, 2021 2:20 pm
    They didn't give her a chance to have a decent childhood and they never cared about her when she was miserable and suffering while she was a sword. Now that she is stronger mentally and physically and financial... LEDA

    didn’t the blond one feel bad for her and actually want to be a good big brother... but couldn’t because of his father?

    LEDA April 20, 2021 3:46 pm
    didn’t the blond one feel bad for her and actually want to be a good big brother... but couldn’t because of his father? Yeah._.No

    He is a GROWN UP MAN! If he really wanted to help her he could, one way or another. But he is such a cowered who can't do anything thing with the excuse of " well at least in heart I didn't hate you".... Like..... THAT'S WORSE!

    heyy-tiffyyy April 20, 2021 5:48 pm
    He is a GROWN UP MAN! If he really wanted to help her he could, one way or another. But he is such a cowered who can't do anything thing with the excuse of " well at least in heart I didn't hate you".... Like.... LEDA

    exactly it doesn't matter what the intentions were the result is what matters and it isn't irreversible. What happened in the past life? they didn't even bother to look for her.

    LEDA April 20, 2021 6:42 pm
    exactly it doesn't matter what the intentions were the result is what matters and it isn't irreversible. What happened in the past life? they didn't even bother to look for her. heyy-tiffyyy

    Couldn't agree more.

    Yeah._.No April 20, 2021 10:36 pm
    Couldn't agree more. LEDA

    i dunno, i just think the they was convinced and was clearly brought up to hate her... that’s like a parent teaching their child to be racist but then when they grew up they realize how dumb they were fit belive their parents....

    Yeah._.No April 20, 2021 10:38 pm
    exactly it doesn't matter what the intentions were the result is what matters and it isn't irreversible. What happened in the past life? they didn't even bother to look for her. heyy-tiffyyy

    the silver hair guy should be forgiven easily since he never cared until he seen how strong she was, but the blond one had cared but couldn’t speak out about it...

    LEDA April 21, 2021 6:41 am
    i dunno, i just think the they was convinced and was clearly brought up to hate her... that’s like a parent teaching their child to be racist but then when they grew up they realize how dumb they were fit be... Yeah._.No

    Sweatheart , weather it was because of his surroundings or because of his parents, a racist is a racist and a murderer is a murderur and a terrorist is a terrorist, their childhood doesn't excuse their behaviour, cuz in the end their behaviour did harm to others and they don't even think it's wrong. Yes some of them might apologise or smn, but it won't erase the lost and pain that the victims suffered.

    like you can't forgive every criminal who apologised only because of their childhood or because they were in a bad mood, or else the world would have been a maniac mess .

    Your logic only works for those who have a bad personality but they don't do any harm to others, it's just their personality is nasty. In this case you can excuse him or even try to befriend him to help him get through it so that he can show his true personality which is hidden deep down cuz you know he can be better than that.
    Or you can leave him alone, cuz some people just want to be alone.

    Yeah._.No April 21, 2021 1:47 pm
    Sweatheart , weather it was because of his surroundings or because of his parents, a racist is a racist and a murderer is a murderur and a terrorist is a terrorist, their childhood doesn't excuse their behaviou... LEDA

    yeah, you can forgive but not forget really...

    LEDA April 21, 2021 4:49 pm
    yeah, you can forgive but not forget really... Yeah._.No

    That's my girl <3
    Don't let others take advantage of you since you look like a very kind and sweet person, which is bad people's favourite. That's why I ws trying to give you a little advice so you can live a broken-hearted free life.
    Hope you all the best <3.

    Yeah._.No April 21, 2021 6:10 pm
    That's my girl <3Don't let others take advantage of you since you look like a very kind and sweet person, which is bad people's favourite. That's why I ws trying to give you a little advice so you can live a... LEDA

    why is everyone on this website so nice

    LEDA April 21, 2021 6:33 pm
    why is everyone on this website so nice Yeah._.No

    This is a toxic free community honey, we love each others for absolutely no reason. Just you liking the webtoon I like will give me enough reason to protect you for eternity <3.

Nobody in Particular v3 April 8, 2021 7:39 pm

Also, is the MC redhead or Ash? Her dynamic with both characters is equally likeable, but I just want to know who to root for lol.

    n0stu April 8, 2021 11:26 pm

    i believe it’s the red head! she won’t be able to interact with ash that much.

Nobody in Particular v3 April 8, 2021 7:34 pm

I can't believe I held off on reading this for so long because of comments about MC being annoying. She isn't annoying at all. She's a realistic character - funny, selfish, and kind (to some extent LOL) to the ones she loves. The art is pretty, and all the characters are equally interesting. Ray, Undine, and the dragon especially are SO CUTE. And the plot progresses at an excellent pace - not too fast, not too slow.

    whatisexistence April 16, 2021 7:21 am

    EXACTLY!! so many hate on her cuz she real lmaoo!! I'm glad you find this enjoyable!!

Nobody in Particular v3 April 6, 2021 11:10 pm

Lol that monk is definitely sus. And I'm very confused about MC's feelings towards her father. How does she love him while knowing he murdered the sect heir's parents?

    Vampire11 April 6, 2021 11:59 pm

    Yea I was also surprised but this is what I think. She was an orphan in her past life and from the glimpse we got in the previous chapters the dad seemed like to not like her. In this life she sees that her dad cares about her and that everyone dotes on her so she decided to abandon her original plan to escape from sect heir and even if he revolts she will stay with her dad. She cares about the sect heir but she also loves her dad. What she feels for the sect heir right now is two things one is pity because of what her dad then and also a little bit of a crush due to her previous life. Not sure if this helps but this is my perception of it all for now.

    Yuuu April 7, 2021 1:13 am

    I'm not sure if it was him u saw in his falashback of how he says people close to him all died a miserable death while showing the picture of Ryun's parents I'm pretty sure there should be a misunderstanding

    Hinata April 7, 2021 5:20 am

    i agree :) i don't trust that smile+shiny bald head combo

    mel chii April 7, 2021 11:27 am
    I'm not sure if it was him u saw in his falashback of how he says people close to him all died a miserable death while showing the picture of Ryun's parents I'm pretty sure there should be a misunderstanding Yuuu

    Right. I think he really cared for them. It could be that the parents were killed due to their association with Cheon Ma or he had to kill the ML's dad, maybe he was being controlled by someone who's trying to hurt Cheon Ma and he started killing his fam.

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