Some of y’all don’t know what it’s like to have Autism or be on the neurodivergent spectrum. Like I totally get Sangwoo’s reaction and his thought process. It’s not the most practices but he’s definitely on the spectrum especially from past chapters I’ve seen a lot of it. Seme just doesn’t pick up on it or doesn’t know how to deal with it. They both need to communicate.

exactly EXACTLY like at this point it is a known fact that sangchu is on the asd and act like they still know better. it might not be canonically said but the way his character is built he is clearly neurodivergent and falls on asd so these OMG do this and that or wtv is just insentive cause the story has been very close to reality this far these characters feel much real beyond this particular plot

Your comment proves my point. The author doesn’t disclose it themselves but Sangwoo’s entire thought process and character is the blueprint of someone on the spectrum. A lot of people think it’s just funny or quirky how the author wrote his character to process things like a robot but that shows part of how people on the autism and neurodivergent spectrum process things. Source: trust me bro (I’m also on the spectrum and sm people are too without knowing and I’m also a certified diagnostician)

I know all the comments were annoying me. Like ik it can be frustrating from a readers pov but like…that’s how people on the spectrum deal with issues, we have an entire maze in our heads and things work like a computer most of the times so it’s not as reliant on emotions at least outwardly. Which is why I think the author is genius in displaying it like Sangwoo’s character is based on a robotic design. And I don’t think the author even has to make it clear…like do gay people always need to say they’re gay in gay content? Do autistic people always need to disclose it? It’s just a normal part of humanity, people are not copy paste. It’s almost like a “if you know you know” type situation lol

Thank you for being so polite and understanding I’ll try to explain it simply so you understand. I don’t like to fit personalities into a box but that’s kinda how society does it, it’s completely normal and almost every person has autistic and neurodivergent characteristics, and the way author designed Sangwoo’s character shows it without disclosing it and I think the idea of making almost every one of Sangwoo’s thoughts as a video game or computer programming language is enough to tell us that he is on the spectrum somewhere. He doesn’t rely on emotions as much but learns more about it (though in harsh ways) as he falls in love. He doesn’t know how to characterize or identify certain emotions that any neurotypical person would be able to identify, such as love, admiration, obsession, etc. he also doesn’t do well in identifying people’s faces unless he has a significant relationship and experience with them. I also saw many times where he interprets his emotions and situations with stuff his therapist or mom told him to respond with, but it’s never his own because he cannot understand the concept of certain expressions and emotions. This explains the jist of the frustration that goes between him and the seme, because there’s a huge emotional and mental block between their way lr expression and understanding emotions. And it doesn’t help that the seme also probably does not catch on to Sangwoo’s way of processions things so at times seme can come off as insensitive and vice versa. There’s just so many clues it’s hard to point each one out, but in conclusion they render him on the spectrum somewhere. This was longer than expected but I hope you understand TT

ohhhh ok i get it now. thank you so much ^^ it's understandable why he had to ask for jihyu's help. i remember that time where he straight up had a breakdown before they're about to do the "deed". like i was so confused why he was freaking out over it. now i get it. all this time my babie is trying his best┗( T﹏T )┛but people doesn't even want to understand him and just jump to any conclusion and judge him ughh. i feel like jaeyoung's kinda aware and at the same time he's not but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to understand sangwoo. it shows how he really likes sangwoo because his patience is immaculate and jaeyoung's always ready to open up and listen to his thought process. ghad i luv them so much i just want them to be happy T_T
Dans comeback boutta be hard
Ur right he better dump JKs ass and realise his own self worth