Something in me is shouting that Seme will take this as a way to improve and will try harder to fix himself and communicate. I think he likes Uke way too much to not do that. Seme lacks some cues to where it made Uke feel like he’s being played around with, and I don’t blame Uke. But I think this will be a big learning and Seme will be ushy gushy and cheesy and a try hard to get Uke back. Uke just proved to him that he’s not afraid of speaking up (even though he totally should have let Seme explain himself to a certain extent. He kinda dropped a bomb and left)

I’m panicking so hard omg. Seme’s face broke my heart, because he probably didn’t expect the confrontation. But I see both sides. Seme is very very very cautious and slightly insecure, he nitpicks his every action, I think he might miss cues at times too, which is why Uke thinks they’re quite different. And maybe they are, but I think a lot of communication would really help. I like that Uke confronted but I don’t like that he didn’t properly hear out or let Seme address all the rumors or comments that made Uke doubt him in the first place. I feel like instead of waiting till the end to confront Seme, Uke should’ve casually or genuinely brought it up instead of waiting. Because everything felt like a bombardment on Seme’s end. Omg my heart is so heavy right now. I like both characters so much and NEED them so desperately to be a lovey Dovey couple but they both need to sort out their insecurities. They’re not ready for a relationship right now because they lack proper communication and understanding of each others needs.

also…author better not chop Seme’s hair off next season or era. Idk why I’m saying this, I feel like with the last scene it just reminded me of his long hair and I love it so much it adds to his charm. But sometimes authors change the hair or something about a character to indicate a new era or season. Just putting it out there LOL

I’m missing his long hair, but I will say, his hair now suits the emotions in the new era, and I’ve already grown into it with just this chapter. He’s always pretty and adorable. But something about his new hair is describing the yearning, vengeance, and loss of naivety. New hair new era. Also, I’m sure it’ll grow throughout the season.

The fact that all of this has been consensual makes me like it more. Proof you can be sensual and hot and all without grape. Also I’m sure Nanjo wants it in the back of his head, he’s just not come to terms with it. Bc there’s no way he would easily accept this offer just to keep that twink safe. Like there was no rebuttal lol.
This is hurting me, but I’m sitting here like a fool still waiting for progress on JJK’s end. How much pride does this mf have?? Even if he has to fake it, why not give Dan a little hope, a little fuel to let him know his body isn’t just a prop