Ass Lookin Big like the answer
Don't read yaoi, and I only read quality hentai, no issues over here pal.
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Ass Lookin Big like the answer
I got into yaoi and hentai generally at around the same age as your classmates (bcs of ereri doujinshi lol) If I could say, not really. Maybe I’m thankful that I encountered yaoi back then. Cause, I grew up in a homophobic & conservative country, and yaoi made me curious about sexualities. And now I’m open and discovered that I’m bi. For my g......
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I've seen too much erotica that now I've developed an aversion to it. Can't stand seeing smut these days.
Ass Lookin Big asked question about question

I had classmates in highschool that started reading yaoi at 11 or 12 and they were shipping Ciel (13 yo) and Sebastian (30) which is like WTF. They were using myreadingmanga which is full of nasty shit. But they had friends and had good grades so their lives turned out OK I guess. I met people with mixed opinions about how porn in general affects......

Ass Lookin Big like the answer
Omg so real like leave me alone
Ass Lookin Big like the answer
Yeah this is exactly why me n my husband wont even let our visiting siblings or our parents babysit our daughter even for a while bcos we are very aware that we are the ones who wanted to have a kid, not them. Plus we dont want other ppl especially our relatives thinking that they suddenly share a responsibility to look after our daughter as automa......
Ass Lookin Big like the answer
"Not only you have more free time but more money to spend on yourself and you should be saving up for your future kids/family. Motherhood gives your life importance, it is your destiny." Me while listening to this:
Ass Lookin Big followed question about question

Do you also know people who CHOSE to have kids and now they're yapping about how your life is so easy and you have more free time and they get annoyed when they hear you're doing good with your job and life? I'm like girl you chose to have them kids...

1 days
Ass Lookin Big asked question about question

Do you also know people who CHOSE to have kids and now they're yapping about how your life is so easy and you have more free time and they get annoyed when they hear you're doing good with your job and life? I'm like girl you chose to have them kids...