Seiichirou gets beat up real good by some knights, prime minister discovers him in the storage and carries him to the doctor dude, who proceeds to call for Aresh cuz Seiichirou cant get healed normally. Aresh comes and heals him and they … for an hour in the doctors office (with prime minister and doctor waiting outside lmao)
Oh and later when Aresh applies the barrier, Seiichirou blows him off

Read the web novel (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Here’s the link XD:

Oh didnt mean to sound that cold heh, I read the novel, this the same ch as latest for the manga (▰˘◡˘▰)

you can also check the spoilers in the spoiler section of the novelupdates forum if you want to know more

The description:
Ernst, defeated by the great power Le Lois, is converted to the castle of Emperor Rowena. Ernst, who thought he was better off dying through unimaginable humiliation, once again had a chance to live his life. But he meets Rowena De again in this lifetime? It's also a very different time, a different look, a different attitude to him? Even so, it is impossible to open up to Rowena De! The late Ernst thought.
K so Mason goes to this new gig with a famous, young ”genius” director, and he has a small role as a murderer or something like that, where he has to handle and shoot a gun, where is director is amazed by how he handles even a toy gun, and how he later handles a real one when they shoot the real scenes.
During the shoot, he notices Noah getting approached by two robbers in a nearby alley, where he proceeds to run towarda them and kick the gun out of ones hand and threatens the other. Noah sees a resemblance between Haley and Mason, but doesn’t think too much about it.
The director also sees it and then says that Mason is his ”muse” and wants to make a whole new movie with him.
Things progress yadayada, he stops sending money to Haleys relatives and his cousin (one who almost turned off the oxygen in hospital), complains the most and wants revenge. You also see Masons two former teammates discussing the fact that they killed Mason, and how they didnt get to hear the last digit of the code for the safe.
Haley(Mason), Noah and the other directors and actors, attend a banquet in a hotel, where Masons former teammates are planning on soing something with Noah.
Mason drags the “genius” director (called Vick/Bick/Big, not sure bout the translation) up to his hotel rooms, and in he meets his old teammates in the elevator, who are disguised. He notices that they are going to the same floor as the one that noah is staying on, and hears one of the teammates (Ashley), asking “are you sure that raynoah is here?”. So he makes an excuse (Big is gun pee lmao) and gets of on the same floor, where he sees noah and proceeds to leave the director in the elevator. Since he notices noah before his teammates, he runs toward noah och drags in into his room.
But of course! Haleys cousin captures a pic of Haley dragging him into the room.
They proceed to somehow *cough *cough in the hotel room, where Noah calls him Mason once.
Afterwards, the cousin spreads the photos on twitter, and they blow up. Haleys(Masons) reputation is ruined all over again. Few days later, when entering the set, Mason runs into Noah and a bunch of reporters asks them quiestions about the image, such as “What drug were you on, Haley?”. And makes Noah out to be the victim. But Noah suddenly denies all of it and invites Mason on his yacht, and calls it a date in front of all of the reporters.
Some small stuff with stalking happens, but fast forward to Mason going in to Noahs room, to pick up his bag with his old passports and pictures of his deceased wife and daughter, and Mason sees Noah having nightmares, and comforts him, where he wakes up, and they … *cough. At this point, Noah has a pretty solid thought that Haley is Mason. What also adds to the confirmation was that he went to pick up his bag.
At this point, Noah is very open about his affection for Haley, so the reporters and public’s opinion of Haley changes a bit. One time, a man hands a note to Noah saying “We have alta’s safe” (the one with 50mil). Masons former teammates suddenly appear and holds Noah hostage in front of the reporters and Haley. (I think they were pursuing the man who handed the note to Noah).
When they are about to kidnap Noah, Haley approaches them, and says that “two hostages are better than one”, and they take him. They come to a sort of warehouse, where Noah gets shot in the arm, and Mason then does first aid. Noah pretends to be weak and faint, and when Noah is taken to another place, Mason is worried and then admits that he is Mason to one of his former teammates, who doesnt believe him at first, but when Mason says the last digit of the code to the safe, he at first believes him, but then goes into sort of denial and goes all psycho and shoots Mason in the thigh.
Outside, the mercenary bureau arrives to capture his former teammates (Since they killed Mason). You then learn that both of the teammates got shot while Mason was asleep. And you think its the bureau that did it, but no, Noah full on psycho, and when Mason couldn’t see him anymore, he shot one of the teammates in the heart, and then the other one in the head. (Meaning that Noah also heard Mason’s confession to his former teammate (that he actually is Mason).
Mason is in a coma for a short while, and when he wakes up, Noah says “Mason”, and he finally replies with “yes”, instead denying it. And ye, that’s the ending.
Some things that are different in the novel:
Haleys hair is actually blond in the first half(ish) and then Mason dyes it black for the movie.
The amount of money in the safe is 50mil, not 50bil dollars. I think they forgot to change the value of the money from won to usd.
I wrote this using as little energy as possible, so sorry for the weird grammar sometimes lol
If ya gonna discuss this, please write a spoiler warning like this
I got this info from the novel, the manhwa raws are caught up.
Oh and if I made it all sound like anti-climatic then don’t think it is lmao, it’s a really good novel, and probably manhwa.
Do you have the link to the novel?
I read it here
Thank you
Can I ask? Did Mason get back to his own body?
If I'm not wrong, no, babe.
:"(( ahhhh...... Mason body more sexy than this bitch body..... Anyway thanks for the answer