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thepotatogirl July 6, 2021 1:37 pm

I hope we can get an angst free chapter with next update. I get the feeling this is gonna be a long run series and I'm scared that they'll have some kind of miscommunication in next chapter

thepotatogirl July 3, 2021 5:15 am

I hate myself for finding Cole so damn relatable. So allow me to rant about it

I'd hate to have a kid since I wouldn't want to bring anyone remotely similar to me to the world. I have a huge insecurity complex towards all my friends, and when I had a partner, towards them too. And to top it off, I'm a gay disaster. Like a literal disaster, a mess.

I know that as I am today, I would never, under any circumstances, point a gun at someone or try to hurt myself in front of the person I love, but... When I was at my lowest some years ago I could have done it. Maybe not pointing a gun at my partner, but I coule have done the hurting myself in front of others part. Heck, I even vaguely remember doing it once.

Since then I've already gone through therapy and medication, and I've apologized to everyone I hurt. I hope that this will end with Cole going to therapy and getting medication since I feel it could help him a lot. At the beginning I hated him, but now I see so much of myself (past and present) in him that I can't help but root for him and want him to get better and live a happy life.

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